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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. 1-0 Though, lately there have been enough cry babies in this forum to give the Crosby crew a run for their money. Eta: 1-1
  2. That's me in the Panic Room thread. I try to stay out of there. But WxWatcher does make me lol.
  3. Consider yourself lucky. We only have the Ravens game on in Bmore.
  4. Nearly the same here with 2.53" Don't worry. The last time my yard was this swampy and green in December was just before the dumping in 2009.
  5. I was thinking NPZ should try to say something positive but I'm not sure that's possible.
  6. Another great Christmas party last night, but damn I was looking forward to enjoying some ipa during the games today.
  7. Please keep the pictures coming! I hope you all get buried!
  8. Damn, dude. A horrible situation but I'm glad that you're on the mend.
  9. I totally agree with your first paragraph. So what? Don't add to the problem (and that's not directed at you specifically. I mean everyone). As far as paragraph two is concerned, I feel that it contradicts paragraph one. Is it fair that some posts stay and some posts disappear? Who cares? If you know your post doesn't belong in a thread, then don't post it there (and again, "you" is general).
  10. Yeah, I had deleted my post, but my point stands. I think Storm Mode is only a necessity to keep threads clean. If people policed themselves, the discussion threads would be an easier and quicker read.
  11. I'm not sure if you're quoting me, but I said inane. And I've been reading every post for over ten years. And for those of us that like to read intelligent discussion year round, the trivial nonsense that shows up with the return of the winter regulars is frustrating. Anything that 90% of us has to say can be kept in banter because the 10% that really know what they are talking about are going to say or imply it in their discussion. I can't be here 24 hours a day so when I show up after work and find 15 pages of "discussion" to sort through, I'd prefer to read a storm-mode thread.
  12. We wouldn't need storm mode if people could control themselves and not post every inane thought that goes through their head.
  13. I'm going to miss Mattie, though I think Scud and a couple of bouncers might beat him to the exits.
  14. I do. I won't clutter the main thread, but the northeast looks much better this run than at least the 12z.
  15. I don't think it looks that bad. eta: I feel like Linus. All it needs is a little love.
  16. I have to give you credit. You play the Lilliputian Glum card better than anyone.
  17. I can't believe Wilson has 8 goals already.
  18. One day of met winter and a full season of crappy posts. Not bad.
  19. At this lead time, they only feed the weenies and make them post more, and then it all ends in disappointment. And regarding a post that Ji made, the only way he'd be happy with 6-8" is if everyone else gets 4. If there's a spot within a hundred miles of him that does any better, he would call the storm a fail.
  20. Trying to figure out what's going on in the bottom left is driving me nuts.
  21. Yeah, perfect November day. 1.68" yesterday and drying out nicely today. Over 70" for the year.
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