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Posts posted by WestMichigan

  1. 23 minutes ago, iluvsnow said:

    Attention Buckeye and fellow oft' depressed snow weenies....please report to tropical tidbits/pivotal weather maps ASAP. Our season of hope/followed by heartbreak is knocking on the door for another season of melodrama.....

    Having spend the first 39 years of my life in Ohio, I couldn't decide which reaction to use.  I feel your pain.  It makes those times it actually does pan out even more special.

    You have to love that little retrograde action going on later in the run also.

    • Like 1
  2. 18 minutes ago, Hoosier said:

    Definitely on the list of storms I'd like to live through.  Obviously not nearly as big of a deal this far west, but the overall impacts and meteorology were pretty spectacular.

    My dad told stories of moving into his new house during that weekend.  That was one everyone remembered in the area for sure.  Sounds like it was quite the event in SE Ohio.

  3. 5 hours ago, Hoosier said:

    Well, I looked, and I'm not sure.  Some critical differences exist in the thermal profiles between the NAM and GFS.  I tend to think the GFS is a little too warm and would not be surprised to see band of wet snow running through here or nearby, but certainly not willing to go all-in on the NAM.  

    Best advice you'll ever see regarding the upcoming winter.

    • Like 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, dta1984 said:

    More on how lockdowns cause more harm than good.  Directly from the Ohio governor;

    @GovMikeDeWine: When we shut things down in the spring, we saw child abuse reporting going down b/c teachers generally report abuse. We saw a spike in mental health problems. We saw a spike in overdoses, we think because people took drugs alone and there was no one there to call 911.

    Not to mention the rise in suicides - "We’ve already seen a steady rise in deaths by suicide over the past two decades and a new report by The Well Being Trust released last month found that 75,000 additional people could die from what they called “deaths of despair,” (which include suicide and substance use) because of Covid-19." https://www.psycom.net/covid-19-suicide-rates

    • Thanks 3
    • Weenie 2
  5. At the risk of being a little political and definitely putting on the body armor for the flames coming my way.

    Below are a couple of comments from various articles I read earlier today.

    • Ben Franklin stated, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”
    • Just because something is a good idea does NOT mean that the government has the right or authority to ORDER it. Our system of government is based on the presumption that adult citizens have the right to make their own decisions, for good or ill. Freedom includes the freedom to act foolishly.
    • Like 2
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    • Haha 2
    • Weenie 3
  6. 53 minutes ago, Hoosier said:

    Given the rate of growth, we may be up near 200k late next week.  I do wonder if the test turnaround time will start to suffer because of this onslaught.  Perhaps it already is in some areas?

    In the Grand Rapids area they are already forecasting longer turnaround times and only testing symptomatic people in some locations. 

  7. 38 minutes ago, dan11295 said:

    Masks are not going to protect you 100%, especially if you are in close contact with someone indoors for hours with poor ventilation. Even in that situation they can reduce viral load though,

    This is the point that should be more prominent.  Masks help, but they are not 100% effective.  So many people think wear a mask and you are safe.  Don't wear one and you are dead when in reality what really happens is somewhere in between.

    • Like 3
  8. 14 minutes ago, Snownado said:

    I bet you have endless cloudy days in the winter. What's the longest you've gone without seeing the sun ?

    Not sure about Toronto, but Grand Rapids has seen a record 16 consecutive days with several 15's right behind it.  The Great Lakes are good for creating clouds.

    • Like 2
  9. 6 hours ago, RogueWaves said:

    Just how far south are you? Been 32F or below 5X since 9/19 here.

    I can't speak for spartman, but 33.8 is the lowest in my backyard so far this year and I am a little farther north than you.  Sometimes other things play into it like a big warm lake to my west.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 9 hours ago, Hoosier said:

    As far as the partial lockdowns/stay at home orders, I don't think there was much of an alternative in the beginning... especially in the more populated states.  Testing was very hard to come by and masks were not being encouraged for the general public.  It could have gotten completely out of control if business had carried on as normal.  More is known now about the virus and testing has gotten a lot better, so more targeted approaches can be taken.  

    dta1984 and Hoosier said more or less the same thing.  dta1974 gets two weenie tags, the same two people like Hoosier's post.  :rolleyes:

    • Like 2
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  11. 2 hours ago, Stebo said:

    It's only going to get much worse after that state supreme court ruling for Michigan that nullified the EOs of Whitmer. I am already seeing more people not wearing masks.

    MDHHS issued basically the same thing as Gov. Whitmer had in place.  Nothing has changed other than where the source of the mandate is coming from.  There are even penalties associated with the MDHHS order.  The governor and legislature are even working together now to pass laws.  I know that you don't like that but that is the way it is supposed to work.

    • Weenie 1
  12. 9 hours ago, Stebo said:

    It was idiotic to open everything up no restriction, this is just proving how idiotic it is.

    But even the places that didn’t fully open up are seeing increases also. Even the places with full on mask requirements are seeing upticks a la Europe. This isn’t going away soon as much as we all wish it would. 

  13. 4 hours ago, A-L-E-K said:


    Do you guys want Trump dead?  I don't wish anyone to die from this but all I see here is the writing is on the wall, RIP, etc....  Come on guys show some respect and a little decent humanity here.

    • Thanks 2
  14. 3 hours ago, Stebo said:

    It is done completely on purpose because Trump is worse than they want to lead on which is why the timeline aspect is important too.

    Any proof to back that up?  That is a fairly bold claim there without firsthand knowledge. Lots of conjecture out there but not a lot of information. 

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