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Everything posted by PhineasC

  1. Schools are a critical part of life for poorer families. The schools are a safe refuge in blighted urban areas, a source of food, and a sort of daycare for kids whose parents can’t take sick days easily or just switch jobs on a whim. Teachers are sometimes the only positive role models and forces in the lives of these kids. Remote schooling basically destroys all that. I expect a lot of these kids to end up roaming the streets during the day instead, which will end badly for everyone. But our entire response to COVID has screwed the vulnerable working poor the most in favor of wealthier teleworking families which are at the lowest risk from serious illness, so I expect the back-asswards policies to continue.
  2. Yes. Not trying to start an argument here, but the two groups pushing hardest for 100% remote learning (aside from the teachers) are middle to upper middle class parents who are teleworking and people without kids or who have grown kids. This is what I am seeing in my social circles, at least. Working-class parents who can’t telework are melting down over schools being remote next year, for good reason.
  3. We made the decision months ago to homeschool so we are all set. It’s sad watching parents have meltdowns over this issue as September approaches. There are so many unknowns and high emotions, I understand the frustration. It’s nice to be outside it just watching, however. It will suck for the kids no matter what the schools do.
  4. I told you the teacher’s unions would push hard to keep schools closed, and, as I recall, you stridently denied that would happen. Teachers wanted to be back in the classroom “more than anything” was part of the response, I believe.
  5. Yeah, no one else move to Randolph please! Actually, I don't even need to do this as Coos County has not grown in population at all over the past decade, and probably dropped somewhat.
  6. It's been nice not talking or worrying about COVID for a couple of weeks now. I haven't been following it at all.
  7. Fighting over dew points... LOL
  8. Damn, camping when first married... that's a keeper.
  9. I'm not in coastal Rhode Island dude. I just need the months to pass and then the snow will start. No trickery needed here.
  10. You guys are making me drool for this winter. LOL I have never wanted summer to end so badly.
  11. That definitely seems to be a factor. The restaurants we have been in have all had shortages of various things. Smaller menus too. I am enjoying the vibe myself. Small crowds and menus makes it feel like you are at an upscale place.
  12. It's all open. The vibe in northern NH is very chill. Everything in Coos County is wide open and they barely ever wear masks... (not saying that's a good thing). In Grafton and Carroll counties, they have mask mandates in most places but most restaurants are open. Call ahead, as hours are very weird and don't match what you find on Google. Been burned several times already in Conway area. They suddenly close at strange times on strange days.
  13. That's how it was with our place in Randolph. It turned into a bidding war almost overnight. We nearly lost it. We were up against some "tech CEO" from NYC who wanted the place and was willing to pay us to walk away... it's crazy out there.
  14. 63 in Randolph. Looks like a really nice stretch of weather coming up, just in time for me to leave and be in MD and DE... I hate coming back here now.
  15. Randolph Hill site had 92.2" in 2015-2016. Still would have been the biggest winter of my life by like 40 inches. LOL Off an average of 185", it's a big drop.
  16. That picture is like one of those pictures of a starving emaciated polar bear standing on some melting ice up north.
  17. 2015-2016 really was horrible for you guys, wasn't it?
  18. Look back through my "land purchase" thread. There are some good write-ups from people about the best spots to buy to maximize snow and minimize cost. That's how I ended up in Randolph, a place I had never even heard of before.
  19. Tapering off. 4.4” right now. 58 degrees. I don’t have gutters so some water got into the unfinished part of the basement. Need to get that figured out. My driveway is trashed. I need to get that bitch paved ASAP.
  20. Up to 4.25” now. It can stop now.
  21. 3.77" of rain according to my weather station and still pouring. The road to my house is flooding. 57 degrees. This is more like what I pictured as summer weather in Randolph. Not outdoors BBQ'ing and swimming in the pool with temps in the 90s and full sun for days... LOL
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