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Everything posted by EastonSN+

  1. Long island would actually be an iceberg if that much freezing rain verified.
  2. I know I will be murdered for this, but is the MJO going into bad phases during the 20th storm causing the rainier further north solutions?
  3. I have something to do. However even so I want to see the individual members as well.
  4. It depends. It COULD be the best winter ever at 18z. I live in the moment.
  5. I think this is why they say its sometimes better to have the PV over Europe instead of Canada
  6. GEFS is warm and tucky! GEPS is more suppressed. EPS will be the tie breaker.
  7. Ouch! Maybe this will be our worst winter ever!
  8. Sweet good for them. U mind posting the evil and frowned upon snowmap?
  9. I thought the run was cold and snowy per chats above?
  10. Could you imagine us getting 6 inches of sleet. Iceberg with the looming cold air.
  11. This is correct. A piece of the PV is in Canada. It WILL have and effect but more muted than lest few weeks. May HELP keep the PV from suppressing too much.
  12. Can we just take the FV3? I will pay 1,000 for someone to make it work.
  13. The CMC makes the most sense synoptically since it gives me the most snow.
  14. Only the GFS can have an upgraded model replacement that's less reliable.
  15. Where can I harvest the individual EPS panels?
  16. I would not complain. Only 4 below average snowfall winters I deserve a bad one.
  17. I don't think so. NY Forum has a LOT of warministas and rain lovers. This probably best case for both forums.
  18. I thought about it and everyone makes fun of James and snow88. However, they have it right! If your mindset it we are gonna get slammed with snow on every storm all winter, then u go through life happy regardless of outcome. Always positive.
  19. We all win if we could get a 1888 1969 hybrid. Or better 1888 next weekend and 1969 the following. In any event your winter forecast is spot on! If we do not score over the next month than at least we can say we got the unluckiest winter in our history out of the way.
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