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Everything posted by CapturedNature

  1. I don't know if that is the case. It looks pretty much status quo to my eye.
  2. Looking at the ensembles shows AN temps but nothing extreme. No big ridge or anything like the past weekend, regardless of what anyone is trying to sell.
  3. Folks that wished they were there should go down to help out and bring chain saws. That way they get to experience the damage and the clean-up.
  4. My record low max for the day is 66°. Peak climo too. I mentioned yesterday that the weekends heat bumped my monthly average temp up high enough to make the top 10, this week will probably average it out again. We'll just have to see how the month winds up with 8 days left.
  5. FYP July so far is barely making my top 10 since 1985. Might even drop out after averaging in this week...who knows till it's done.
  6. 90 here in my yard but I'm surrounded by woods. Not wanting to do much outside we took a ride over to Yale Forest and while hot (upper 80s), it didn't feel as bad as yesterday's steam bath and wasn't too bad walking with the family and dog. We didn't go far as the combination of three-corner (Deer) flies and heat is annoying but it wasn't stifling as it was in other places it sounds. I wonder what Mitch up in VT reached....any word from him? It looks like Woodford made it into the mid-80s yesterday and 80 today.
  7. Isn't part of that the fact that there is more dates over time? At first you're going to practically set a record every year in one category but as time goes on the number goes down because you have so many years of data to compare it to. Heck, I started keeping records in 1985 so in 1986 & 1987 I was setting 50+ records a year and now it's a couple a month. It's harder to set a record...
  8. I did the same. I figured that the units will use less energy maintaining low humidity and lower temps than having to regain what was lost by turning them off for the night.
  9. yeah, that's why I added that caveat. Last year we went through a 29 day stretch from 7/23 to 8/20 with high Dp's. The real test would be to see how many hours we have at the end of year.
  10. Using that and a criteria of hours above a 65° Dp you can see how much less humid it's been this year vs. last year. Granted it's only 7/18 and we're going to tack on a few hours this weekend but still... https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/plotting/auto/?_wait=no&q=159&network=CT_ASOS&zstation=BDL&var=dwpf&dir=aoa&thres=65&month=all&year=2019&dpi=100&_fmt=png
  11. Thanks...I wish the sound came out better but it was pretty neat, especially at the end.
  12. Here's a video I shot for my Nature Cams channel - no damage but you can see & hear the thunder clap after thunder clap while it was coming over. This was first the first cell. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJEzy0h8ssE
  13. The cells just kept training over me. Things are quieting down for the moment. Looks like about 2.80" over about an hour. Should be interesting to see what happens with that stuff off to the west. I'd imagine we could see some localized flash flooding (if not already).
  14. About 2.60" here so far. Cells keep coming...lots of lightning and thunder.
  15. Looks like a line south of the pike too...I'm cell #2 here with a line going back to western CT.
  16. lol...yeah, it's been really humid this summer. More like, it's been hot and most people have been enjoying that save for a day or two here and there that is really humid. This weekend looks like the longest stretch so far and next week looks like business as usual.
  17. No, I certainly have them and I'm south of the pike. We call the deer flies three-corner flies. I know I've seen the "green" flies before but never heard the term "green head".
  18. I recall posters in 2012 touting that March is no longer a winter month and it's been one practically every year since. Not that I think you're wrong...
  19. Did you read the article? They are quoting a Planet Fitness survey, not something that they created. If anything you should be saying "Planet Fitness...nuff said".
  20. It used to be in a giant field on the other side of Rte 75 until they moved it "on field" in the 90s. Temps took a noticeable tick up when they did that, especially the mins.
  21. It's probably the float not triggering the pump to turn on. It might help to get a hose in there and clean everything off, particularly if there is a contact switch mechanism. If that is internal to the float, you might need to replace it (or have it replaced).
  22. But showing a D10 map also proves that it will be HHH forever? Talk about hypocrisy....
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