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Everything posted by CapturedNature

  1. When he mentioned GON I literally LOL. Seriously. That location has never come up in discussions and sits right on the water. In AUGUST. I say we stay with usual suspects (BDL & ORH) because those are the ones that he routinely uses for verification and for the day to count the Dp has to be 70+ for several hours that day. It should be easy to do since he believes that it's going to be a humid month. I don't think we need anything special. What do you say Kevin?
  2. True but the rain ended here in the morning and several people commented to me that it was "chilly" after the weekend.
  3. Yeah and I think we had two if not 3 of them last week at peak climo. It's been hot, don't get me wrong but there have also been breaks and non-weather people are talking about how there has been a general lack of high humidity.
  4. Last Tuesday at peak climo it was in the 60s for most of the day. A late break in the rain brought temps up into the low 70s . I wonder how many people had light jackets last Tuesday morning? I didn't but you know how people get "chilly". Here's a graph from the Tolland STEM so no one thinks its from a "fake" cold site.
  5. It happens sometimes but I did have two days back to back last week that had the same low two mornings in a row. I don't have my data in front of me but looking at the Staffordville COOP it looks like it was Thursday and Friday. Either way, if that's the way temperatures have always been recorded, you're comparing apples to apples if one month is warmer or cooler than another. FWIW, my normal low is 57-59 in July.
  6. CT is more than BDL & HFD. The problem is it's been hot but not humid overall. Sure we've had a few days here and there but that warmth has been mostly during the day with hot day time temperatures. You've been calling for an HHH summer and I've been asking where the other two H's are. They have been absent for the most part which has allowed for temps to drop at night. We've also had below normal days and one down right chilly day. This July siting a few hundredths of a degree outside of being one of our top 10 warmest July's and there's still 3 days left to go so we'll see. I don't make stuff up. I record my high and low temperature every day using the same methods I've been using for 35 years. You've doubled down and called for August to have at least 15 days with a Dp of 70 or higher but haven't qualified where and what counts which means you'll be able to claim you were right by cherry picking data and what qualifies. Congrats!
  7. Looks like snow based on the aerial coverage. Hail would be more localized.
  8. ThreadX for Hartford was HFD until 1955 and has been BDL ever since. Station Thread for Hartford Area, CT Name Period in Thread 1 HARTFORD BRADLEY INTL AP 01/1955 to 12/2018 2 HARTFORD BRAINARD 01/1949 to 12/1954 3 HARTFORD (supplied by NWS) 01/1905 to 12/1948
  9. What delusion? The last 26 days have not all been 70+ Dp's. I seem to recall you saying we wouldn't have Dp's under 60 until September a couple of weeks ago. How's that working out?
  10. If I recall, all spring there were calls that after day 9 it was going to be HHH for ever. It's been hot and we've certainly had humid days but we've also had dry and cool days. Even the non-weather watching folks at work have commented without prompting how this summer has not been humid. Supposedly that is going to change but the verification details are sketchy. I think we're in for more rinse and repeat.
  11. OK - 15 days with a Dp 70+. What location and I think you need to qualify if a day that has a single ob of a Dp of 70 counts in your book.
  12. Define many....and does a day that has a morning Dp of 70 but the rest of the day is in the 60s count? I'm just wondering so there is no doubt or wiggle room.
  13. I agree (minus the drinking and edibles lol). Some of us enjoy spending times with our wives and families and vice versa. Vacations and the time that we do have is too short and so I look forward to having more time and not sucked away for 10 hours a day and we can once again do things together.
  14. That made me chuckle...I could see Fred Sanford saying something like that.
  15. Hang in there. Same thing happened on my wedding day. We were leaving the reception thankfully and I stepped into car and my pants split right up the back. It was dark so no one but my wife knew but I feel for ya.
  16. Kind of amazing how widespread they are. Throwing them out like candy: http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/map/?&zoom=6&scroll_zoom=false&center=49.579222945806734,3.35742361843586&boundaries=true,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false&tab=layers&obs=true&obs_type=weather&elements=temp,wind,gust&temp_filter=-80,130&gust_filter=0,150&rh_filter=0,100&elev_filter=-300,14000&precip_filter=0.01,18&obs_popup=false&obs_density=60&obs_provider=ALL
  17. We had some yesterday but not so much this morning. It's funny going down the hill from clear skies to fog and then out again. I wish the Madis had a better picture but there were some high clouds around that obscured it. 53° here for the low.
  18. Yeah, you can see if there there is some kind of signal out there for something. I mostly use it for temperatures to see warm/cold spells.
  19. It's just a site I found that does GEFS meteorgrams. You can put in what ever you latitude and longitude is and the link is static but the page will load whatever the current run is: http://www.meteoguru.com/en/pro/ensembles/?latlon=42.00,-72.29 I don't use anything else on the site. I wish I could find a similar product for the ECMWF.
  20. Yeah, it pretty much follows the normal line after the warm-up late next week for our area.
  21. Correct. That's the average high temp at BDL for July. The daily average temp is 85.4° at it's peak which is through tomorrow and then it starts ticking down.
  22. I noticed the cycles too but wanted you to see the data before I commented. It's too bad that the data doesn't go back to the 30s because I think there were some hot years in there as well. I did note that there are only two years with 30+ days of 90° of higher from 1949-2000 and there have been 4 since then while the balance of years does show a slight increase in days. Time will tell if that trend continues or if its a "cycle" like you can see in prior periods.
  23. This chart shows the number of 90° days since 1949.
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