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Everything posted by Rd9108

  1. It just doesn't want to snow this year. We can't even get a clipper that drops 1-3. Everytime a pattern or storm looks promising in the future it goes to shit fast. We usually have bad luck but it's on a whole other level this year. The storm after this looks like a coastal so I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel.
  2. The trend is looking good for a quick thump and maybe it trends better but with that warm tongue I never get my Hope's up.
  3. Next weekend is looking like the usual CAD where its 20 degrees out east and its 45 here. I don't expect much from that system. Hopefully we can cash in with the pattern change but I have my doubts. I'm at the point if we ever get a big storm again I'll stop tracking because it will be another 15 before we get anything noteworthy.
  4. We need the primary to die off fast and transfer or this is gonna be a quick changeover. Still a week out
  5. Don't give up hope yet. Long range is finally looking good for some winter fun. Whether or not it comes to fruition is one thing. Atleast there are signs that we get a period of winter.
  6. I know its been an awful winter whenever you guys are dealing with ice.
  7. This is looking like its trending to shit and January looks like its trending to shit. The good news is maybe I'll be ready for golf season earlier. Although knowing our luck its gonna be snowing in late April.
  8. Insert Lucy pulling football away picture. I'm not buying it until it's a day out.
  9. This winter looks bleak. Only a big storm can salvage it and even then all of the forecasts are gonna bust low. Don't worry it will be snowing in April atleast.
  10. Nice squall rolling through the North Hills/metro. Just wish it was next week and not today. Oh well I feel we will get a nice warning level event this year.
  11. Looks like a heavy band is gonna set up right to our north for the second bout of precip. Meanwhile the metro will probably start as heavy snow and then transition very quickly and get screwed by the WTOD as usual. Oh well less shoveling atleast.
  12. If we could somehow get this wave to ride further NW. Maybe good for our southern posters though.
  13. This storm busted for a lot of areas. Only upper state New York saw the insane snowfall. This one was easy to stomach.
  14. I found this picture hilarious. Its snowing everywhere in way further south than us, but we still somehow are seeing rain. This literally sums up our shit weather.
  15. Ehh still early in the season. Although it would be nice to get a prolonged winter for once from November-March.
  16. Not if we don't ever buck this current pattern. I'm hoping for atleast a white Christmas and one big storm. Other than that it could be 70s and I wouldn't care.
  17. Storm 5 days away. Honestly it looks like crap at this point but still time to trend to something more than slop.
  18. Record low set last night at 12 degrees. Pretty impressive first arctic wave to start the season. Hopefully we can get some in coming weeks and some moisture to go along with it
  19. I remember a few years ago one band came through and dropped isolated 5 inches. Its snowing pretty hard again here.
  20. Airport reporting 2.5 for the season so far. Pretty good start to winter. Let's just hope we can cash in on something substantial. 2010 seems like a long ways away.
  21. Its only November. If you're getting mad already you are in for atleast 3 months of disappointment.
  22. Yeah not expecting much but 2 inches in November is more than most Novembers so it's not really a let down.
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