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Everything posted by Rd9108

  1. MAG do you think KPIT eeks out 4 or 5 or do you think the warm air is gonna win out as usual.
  2. 3k high rez has like 3-5 inches of course I'd air on the side of lower especially when it comes to CAD. Regardless maybe our biggest snowfall of the season coming.
  3. To my untrained eyes NAM looks pretty good. We get a nice 3-6 thump (probably overdone with more sleet mixing) turning into freezing rain/mix and never change to plain rain.
  4. At this point I just want to see some decent heavy snow even if the accumulations dont amount to a lot. I missed out on the death squall line a few weeks ago.
  5. Just woke up from a nap and saw that myself. Maybe we can get lucky but the precip has to get in and out quick in order to get those heavy accumulations.
  6. What's the kuchera say. Cant trust a 10:1 ratio map especially when you guys are dealing with CAD. I fully expect my area to feel the effects of the warm tongue on this one.
  7. Everything just trends worse and worse. It just doesnt want to snow here this winter. I'm really getting tired of the rain. It wouldn't be so bad if it didnt rain everytine we get any sort of moderate amount of moisture. At this point I'd love an outright torch but even with the south east ridge and Pacific trough trying to warm us up we still ride the boundary. Unfortunately I know how this is gonna play out. MJO is going into phase 8-1-2 in March and we get a late snow storm and a delayed spring.
  8. Euro shows a hit blah blah. It wont play out that way. Warm tongue will win out. No reason it wouldn't just going on our season trend this winter.
  9. This doesnt look good now. The thing that sucks is that instead of outright torching we may just ride the border of being too warm to snow and just get cold rain. Not to mention the south east ridge is showing up now and usually that doesnt bode well for us.
  10. Well winter is coming back. We will be tracking starting this weekend. There's at least that.
  11. It never looked to crush us so it was easier to deal with it. Looks like the models are starting to catch onto the mjo going into 8-2.
  12. Absolutely insane that we are getting another 2 inches of rain. I'm honestly sick of it. We are getting insane amounts of moisture but we just can't keep the cold air whenever the moisture arrives. Maybe with the MJO going into favorable phases we may can get something decent but I am skeptical.
  13. Maybe a surprise 1-3 with the first wave of the storm before the warm air invades. Who knows maybe we can eek out 4 and get a nice little event before it all melts and floods everything.
  14. Looks like some possible front end snow with the cutter but we never do well in those situations. That warm tongue will charge north and make sure we switch to rain as soon as possible.
  15. The Para owes me a lot of snow this year. Still a few days out and in this winter who knows what will happen with that storm. Bernie has a good video on it and it wouldn't take much to atleast give us a shot.
  16. Rear windshield literally burst due to the cold. If its gonna be this cold can we atleast have some heavy snow.
  17. Judging by the short range models the best precip will be down at the WV/PA border. The city may struggle to much more than an inch from the clipper.
  18. It dropped a good inch for in parts of western PA and it looks to strengthen as it heads east. Should be a nice little quick surprise for you guys.
  19. Maybe we get lucky on Friday and the clipper over performs. We usually are good at small over performers. Obviously wont be much but even a nice 2-4 snowfall in daylight would help get some positive vibes going in here.
  20. Still holding out hope for something in the warning criteria like 5-8 by the end of winter. The way this winter is going it maybe hard to pull off until March or april kind of like last year. The models dont know what to do about the long range and honestly the euro flipped from warm up to cold in one run.
  21. Yeah unfortunately this threat is getting worse and worse. Maybe an inch or two if we are lucky but anything more is probably out of the possibility.
  22. NAM is terrible. This next threat is trending worse and worse. Let's see if anything develops when the cold air leaves in a few days.
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