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Blizzard of 93

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Everything posted by Blizzard of 93

  1. Lol, I don’t think that’s what he meant, but If so… I’m sure he’ll be back at 0z if It looks decent!
  2. The chance on the 7th is still on the table this run. The low has a ton of moisture available in the Gulf & more cold air is also available this run. The low slides off of the Carolina coast this run. Long way to go for this one, but we are still in the game.
  3. 18z GFS is out of sync with the 4th storm & has a low passing to our north & south this run.
  4. We are in the game with 2 trackable events in the next 9 days that are now in Op run range for all models.
  5. We are in a better spot in CTP for the storm chances next week than our I-95 friends to our south & east. We could still fail on both chances, but being in the interior back in PA could help us is this situation with marginal cold air if one of these tracks right.
  6. The 12z GFS certainly keeps CTP in the game for January 7th.
  7. The 12z runs also keep us in the game for January 7th. The Canadian has a High in a great spot, but then squashes the low to our south east out to sea.
  8. The January 4th chance is still there on the GFS & Canadian at 12z. The GFS was too far southeast with the low The Canadian gets some snow to most of CTP.
  9. I’m happy to see we have 2 chances next week on the Op runs to track. They might not work out for us, but I’m just happy to be back in the short to medium range game.
  10. This is typical El Niño most of the time. Warm & little snow in December. The pattern flip is currently underway. The storms & rumors of Winter storms should make this place a lot of fun in January & February.
  11. The 0z GFS way out in fantasyland also ends with another Winter storm chance at the end its run on January 13th. It’s good to see an active pattern with some cold air around. We will probably lose some, by the potential is there to win some as well if things go our way.
  12. The January 7th chance on the models also got a lot more interesting overnight. The 6z GFS really put us in the game this run, but temps are marginal as depicted. The 0z Canadian & Euro are colder & further southeast at this time. The Euro was not far off of being a good run for us. Long way to go, but it’s good to be back in the game.
  13. The old line from my handbook says, “the blend could be your friend” for the 4th.
  14. The January 4th potential is gaining steam again on the models. Temperatures look to be marginal, but with the right track & strength, this could put parts of CTP in the game for some Winter weather. The 0z Euro this run is marginal, but close to being a decent event for us. The 0z Canadian & 6z GFS are further southeast, but offer colder solutions.
  15. CPC even gives us a “slight risk” for snow for January 6th & 7th.
  16. Looks like CPC adjusted their 8-14 day Temperature Outlook. We are now “Near Normal” with their update today.
  17. Lol, you just need to wait 384 hours according to the 12z GFS.
  18. The 6 hr precip at hour 240 is also a nice signal on the 6z GEFS.
  19. 6z GEFS likes the period around the 7th for a Winter storm chance.
  20. 6z GEFS snow map is also showing the potential for this window around the 7th.
  21. We’ve been trying to get the trolls to go, but it has been slow progress! Pittsburgh has improved today, but now other things are “Ruin”ing it…lol!
  22. Go time begins the end of next week & the party is not stopping until March.
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