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Everything posted by yotaman

  1. Yeah I know, looking at mid 90's by Memorial Day weekend maybe.
  2. Looks like we will be in the mid 90's for Labor Day Weekend. That is gonna suck.
  3. Low of 50 this morning. Currently 74/46. Beautiful day.
  4. Low of 59, high of 75. Beautiful day today. Currently 73/49.
  5. Already here in mby. .72" so far this month, with only 2.88" last month. No rain forecasted for next 2 weeks.
  6. Nothing overnight. Currently 80/69. Cannot wait for the cool air to invade.
  7. Ended up with only .30" for the day although down by the coast got socked repeatedly.
  8. .06" was all we could get from a morning thundershower. Did cool it off nicely though. Currently 69/67.
  9. Another dry but warm day. Currently 83/64.
  10. After an absolutely gorgeous day yesterday, mid 70's & dew points in the 50's, it has warmed up a bit. Currently 83/63.
  11. Finally picked up a decent rain storm. Totaled .42" in 20 minutes.
  12. Had some strong storms pass to my south and east but nothing here as usual. Currently 86/69.
  13. Dry as a bone here. Currently 85/71. Feels like summer!
  14. Warm and humid and dry. Currently 83/70. Grass is starting to wilt.
  15. Post your may Obs here. Currently 84/67 and dry. We need some rain.
  16. Nice and cool today. Currently 68/60. Last day for windows to be open for a bit.
  17. Only had .17" yesterday. Once again we miss out on good T-storms even though they were highly predicted. That makes 2 Fridays in a row. Much cooler today. Currently 74/45. Interesting note: My back yard has yet to have a good thunderstorm this year. By good Thunderstorm I mean strong winds, torrential rain, and lightning strikes nearby.
  18. Hit a high of 88 yesterday. Currently 80/66. Had a brief shower this morning as a storm past to my east.
  19. Shooting for 90 today. Currently 86/59.
  20. 86/66 currently. Getting warm and bit humid out for April.
  21. Warming up today, currently 79/58.
  22. Another beautiful day here. After a low of 50 it is currently 72/52.
  23. I would be more than happy not to see 90's until June but I won't hold my breath.
  24. Wind back off and after a sunny morning, clouds have moved it and cooled us down a bit. Currently 64/49.
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