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Everything posted by pazzo83

  1. we tend to get a minor river influence so that is probably part of it.
  2. 41 - I'm at 25th and L, and this is 10 stories up.
  3. so this begs the question - when is the last time DCA recorded an inch+ of snow? Jan 2019 right?
  4. DC proper struggles to get much below 30F at this point. We haven't been in the teens in like 2 years.
  5. locally downtown i've recorded more than 65" of total precip this year - it's crazy.
  6. thanks!! yea it's been an adventure!
  7. this is taking me back to late elementary school days but I remember some sort of coastal storm in March '94 where at least western areas got a lot of snow (we got around 20" in the Shen Valley).
  8. yeah i hear that - pandemic + two year old + expecting a child early next year has really f'd with my schedule lol
  9. Looks like DCA hit 36 (hit 38 at my station downtown) - DCA hasn't had a subfreezing high since the 2018-2019 winter. Hell we barely had 30s for highs last "winter".
  10. Wait what happened to BobChill?
  11. overnight low of 23F at DCA is the coldest since Feb 15, 2020 (22F). feels like it takes a very cold airmass just to get us into the 20s these days.
  12. it's doing something that isn't rain downtown - temp 31/29
  13. maybe a stray flurry downtown - we barely got below freezing over night (31.6), sitting at 33/23 now.
  14. nice - you are about 10-15 miles west of my parents!
  15. PD3 was mostly a sleet bomb for me in C'ville back in '03. I guess one of the good things is it sticks around for a while.
  16. 36/24 downtown. we might get below freezing eventually lol.
  17. i got caught in thundersleet once on a jog in NYC - it was NOT fun. i remember running by another runner - we were the only people out - and we both looked at each other like, "something is deeply wrong with us lol"
  18. i'd imagine right there, but the most intense UHI in the entire city is actually Columbia Heights/Petworth area, so just a few blocks east from you really.
  19. where downtown are you? 37/22 here, we are pretty close to rock creek park.
  20. finally into the 30s here downtown, probably the coldest we've been at sunset yet this season.
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