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Everything posted by alex

  1. Already down to 30 here. Another cold night. My greenhouse is still going but it's getting close. 33 for a low in there. Pretty sad that the peppers in it haven't even started ripening yet and they're already fighting for the life!
  2. 32. It's going to be quite a few hours below freezing tonight. Not that it matters, plants are dead
  3. I'm not disagreeing. But my post was started by your comment that the trees in my pictures looked "drought." I don't dispute that trees in Southern areas may be stressed. What I was saying is that I don't think they are up here, and therefore disagree that those trees looked droughty. They look like pretty typical early foliage trees.
  4. 39. It's frigging freezing, Mr Bigelsworth!
  5. We had about 10" or so. The last 2 weeks have really been the only really dry stretch (0.25"). Below average for sure, but not like it hasn't rained in months!
  6. 1. WTF is mental loss 2. You will notice it says "parts of the Northeast". This isn't one of them. Sure, top soil is dry. But there's plenty of water around. There is still water in the wetland and vernal pools around my property. It's not the Sahara you imagine
  7. The whole "foliage is bad because of drought" seems ridiculous to me. We've had about 2.5" of rain in the past month. Sure, only 1/4" in the past 2 weeks, but tree roots are not 10" deep. Even my grass is still doing fine and I don't have a sprinkler system. If grass can be green, I doubt trees are suffering that much.
  8. It actually went up as it got windy for a while but it's dropping again. 37
  9. LOL. I was forced by my kids who kept whining that they were freezing at night.
  10. I had a fire going last night. Love it.
  11. Good. My dead tomatoes need company.
  12. I guess this is the easiest way to show it
  13. I'm just about there just a little bit to the East. My house is actually directly below the West Mountain ski trails at Bretton Woods
  14. Very similar to my river here. Funny thing is my well pressure overflow still spews water like always. I wonder what it would take to change the water supply at 750 ft deep. But I really don't want to find out. Let's plan on making up the qpf in the winter
  15. That's exactly right! You can actually see it driving up 16; very often there's a wall of snow to your west/northwest, and broken clouds with flurries in the valley
  16. Busy day so I haven't been on at all, but Pinkham Notch gets significantly less upslope than we do. Our numbers from the past couple of years seem to align pretty well with Randolph coop so I think it makes sense.
  17. -36 was the coldest I’ve seen since moving here. It hurts
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