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Everything posted by alex

  1. I drove to Whitefield daily last year and I can confirm that there were plenty of times when we have a foot plus and they had nothing. Literally bare ground. In fact I’ve noticed a few occasions when Littleton had significantly more snowcover. It’s a combination of lack of significant upslope, strong downslope, and poor CAD (although we are even worse on that front at the higher elevations, but we more than make it up in upslope)
  2. By the way since I somehow hijacked this thread (I really am not using it for advertising I swear, I just thought that house would be cool for weenies like me to see) we are looking for maintenance and office people if you know anyone interested in living up here. We now manage 70+ properties, can’t hire fast enough.
  3. I don’t think so...but I’m not a snowmobiler so I should probably find out!
  4. It is. We have 2 on that road, one facing the CT river and the NEK and this one. Aside from the view, it’s a really cool house designed by some famous architect in the 60s I believe. Very quirky
  5. That’s correct! It’s about 1500 ft on Dalton Ridge
  6. Speaking of which, we just added this home in Whitefield to our program that has some sick views. Of course it’s in the snow hole, but it’s a sweet home in every way https://www.brettonwoodsvacations.com/rll
  7. Carlsons is still a good place! I know the owners quite well. But of course, best lodging around is from brettonwoodsvacations.com.
  8. I don’t know what our annual precip is (I only track snowfall) but we do downslope from the southwest; not as pronounced as the Twin Mountain / Whitefield stretch but we definitely downslope. Although we also upslope better than that stretch. It’s just a bit of a snow hole
  9. You know it's a boring pattern when all the forecast talks about is frost
  10. 41 here too. The wind has finally died down so it should radiate better
  11. Today along 302 in Twin Mountain
  12. You can have it. I don't need the cold yet lol. Foliage starting to look good in spots though. Taken today
  13. 0.03" total, now just drizzle. Yippee. Now ready for freeze #2
  14. Those patterns can be incredible. And while the water content can be on the low side, it does add up storm after storm, and they produce some beautiful scenery. Count me in.
  15. I wouldn't think so. I'm on a well (750 ft deep) and my well actually has a pressure release that the landscaper turned into a little pond that flows into the wetlands near my house, since it essentially lets out water on and off all the time.
  16. There's some weird wet stuff falling from the sky. Can't remember what it's called it's been a while.
  17. May be a matter of an inch more or an inch less depending on wind direction, but I don't think there will be a lot of difference. Even JSpin and I have remarkably consistent observations. The main difference is from ocean storms, which we tend to get more, and LES, which we don't get at all
  18. Alright, MT Washington facing camera is up. https://video.nest.com/live/S9cztU6Ans
  19. Nice to "meet" you! Welcome to the team!
  20. A couple more duds in SNE snowfall and we become the majority
  21. Thanks Gene - everyone is well, hope the same with you! I’m actually going to move one of the Nest cameras to the other location, so we’ll have a camera towards Mt Washington - good for the view but an area of awful snow retention because it’s so wind scoured - and one towards the East with much better snow retention. Gotta satisfy all types of weenies.
  22. That cam is down; after a while the cord got very brittle and it essentially disintegrated. I have a Nest at my house facing the opposite direction, I will add that while I get a new cord for that camera
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