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Everything posted by alex

  1. You'll pass my dentist in Gorham. Great office lol
  2. I have driven by your area many times. Upslope drops off significantly from Twin to Jefferson, but it does pick up again in your area and seems pretty similar to mine. Which usually translates into enough to get sick of it. Heading back tonight from Bermuda. Looks like I missed our first 30s of the season (Diane proudly informed me the thermometer hit 39. I wanted to cry lol)
  3. Just makes you realize how much more seriously the US could be taking Covid. It's not like we don't have the means.
  4. Escaped to Bermuda. They're really doing a good job here keeping covid at bay. Must take a test 7 days prior to departure and you get tested again when you arrive and every 4 days.
  5. We have dozens of those. They set up shop in the trees in front of my dining room and take turns at the feeders. It's like an airport of tiny birds. I love watching them - they're feisty little suckers. And fortunately our bears don't seem to care at all for the feeders.
  6. 2018 was when my tomatoes froze in August
  7. The random freezes are what makes the growing season so short. A couple of years ago we had a single cold night in mid August that killed my tomatoes, followed by not even frost for another month. That was frustrating...
  8. Correct - I have circled my spot above. It's the lowest spot in this high elevation valley, close to the river - it radiates like crazy. I've seen difference of 5-10 degrees between here and the Mount Washington Hotel 1.5 miles down the road on a slight hill!
  9. Feels fallish here. 72 after a low of 44.8
  10. Been there before. Amazing place. Today was really fun on the river though.
  11. I love the symbols on your radar lol
  12. Yes last winter was definitely subpar
  13. You might want to upgrade to a snow plow. I started my first winter here with a snowblower and it gets old very quickly when you get into those 2" of snow every day patterns.
  14. Haters gonna hate. But they all start screaming like high school girls at a boy band concert when a cold front drops 3 flakes in Eastern mass
  15. Just over an inch of rain here. Some pretty nasty storms!
  16. 79/46 here. Just about perfect
  17. That little spec of snow seen today from the Kanc. Happy 4th!
  18. If we could keep the winters we usually get (at least snow wise, I don't care for the -35s) but couple them with summers like this, my location would be heaven
  19. Get one of those floor standing portable ones. They've gotten good. Or if you can afford it, mini splits are the way to go and there are state rebates for energy efficiency
  20. It's been raining for about 4 days straight here. I was happy to get some rain and now I can't take it anymore lol...
  21. 2.01 here over 3 days. A nice soaker especially because it's been in waves and not just a single downpour
  22. 1.62" so far in 24hrs. A needed soaker
  23. It really went out of its way not to reach 90 here this past 7 days. 88-89 every day with a max of 89.6. Fantastic stretch though!
  24. There are some beautiful spots, and not far from here! Dixville Notch, CT Lakes, and the whole area south of the border is awesome in all seasons.
  25. It's in Stark NH, about 20 minutes from Groveton. Rivers are fun but way too cold
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