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Everything posted by Maestrobjwa

  1. Oh have we learned nothing about these snow maps? They do more harm than good, I'm telling ya...at least until maybe 48 hours away.
  2. Oh dear...a predictable elevation battle again? Might have to look past this one for that reason alone, lol
  3. Yeah it's disappointing, but I'm trying not to let it get me down TOO much...but it's a bit difficult. Was hoping we'd get an inch or two (never did trust the WSW). But that's okay...perhaps we have more chances coming up (hopefully). Coping skills necessary for days like today, lol
  4. I don't wanna hear you complaining this week, then, lol
  5. Good morning...Well Winter, Baltimore's 5 year-long winter storm warning drought doesn't end today either (this is barely an advisory, lol). But hopefully with the window(s) of opportunity coming up, we will. 5" minimum bar set for each event the rest of the winter...we oughta be due!
  6. Yeah let's hope things improve...because going through the week with just rain would be kinda frustrating. Cold air is so close by...you'd think we could get something!
  7. Well, since 5" is the benchmark, as long as that was still a possibility, they probably had to go ahead and issue it
  8. So I guess they had to issue the full WSW because of how things looked as of 18z yesterday? Wonder if they downgrade it to an advisory this evening...
  9. If that's the case, it's lrobably an attempt to mitigate disappointment (the whole "if I don't let myself believe a positive scenario can still happen, I won't be as disappointed when it doesn't"...I know, been there, lol
  10. Maybe I'm greedy but...you'd hope we can get a chance for something more than front end the next couple weeks...I mean shoot, we're still overdue for a footer. If great blocking in Feb can't give ya that...not sure what will. I mean 3-6" events are nice, and had we not been so long with our a big snow, I'd more readily take it (but I'll still take it). But those kind of events...I'm not sure they produce more than advisories half the time (in the cities, anyway) unless they go boom. Again, nice scenery, and snow is still snow...but man I'd like a bona-fide warning or two at least. Been so long!
  11. Yeah seriously...got all those waves and the icy scenarios and the huge slug of moisture...feels like a literal snow globe of ideas...where shall it all settle? Stay tuned, lol
  12. Now I may not yet be the best at deciphering things on the macro level in the long range but...to my eyes, looks like a wacky week of tracking ahead, lol Buckle up! Thanks for the update @frd ...Gulf of Mexico being open for business sounds great
  13. Yours could've merely been the straw that broke the capitol camel's back...I think what they said needed to be said.
  14. Was deeply saddened to hear about this...unbelievable, smh
  15. Indeed...been awhile since we've trended back INTO a threat at short range, lol
  16. We need to educate folks on what 1-2 pm means during the winter
  17. Ah that makes sense (I remember there was one dude a month or two ago that kept putting the weenie reaction on a bunch of posts in a row, lol)
  18. Not sure we should be flushing snow down the toilet...
  19. Oh dang I don't even remember that one for some reason! (guess because of the blizzard, lol) Wow
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