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Everything posted by Stormlover74

  1. Probably a good bet unless it's like 2016 where we get a one off zero degree day in February
  2. They had .16" frz rain. Ewr only a trace https://forecast.weather.gov/product.php?site=okx&issuedby=OKX&product=PNS
  3. Oh wow don't remember that one. 89 was a bad year for snow in general after the February miss with only the Thanksgiving storm being good
  4. Yeah I'm not saying it'll happen but it shows we can still get frozen during a warm stretch due to the time of year
  5. gfs has this right in the middle of our warmup
  6. its very close. just need to move that bullseye from DC-Philly up to our area. Would've preferred to see the nam more amped since it usually is at this juncture
  7. And 12/90 was forecast to be 1 to 3 as of that morning before being bumped to 3 to 6 later that afternoon so a definite overperformer
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