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Everything posted by cheese007

  1. Feels like every storm is schrodinger's hurricane according to commentary here: both strengthening and weakening at the same time
  2. Dunno who this Joko Williams person on Severe Studios is but they need need to get the hell off the coast! (currently in Sarah Plantation for reference)
  3. Was not expecting my 150mph call to possibly bust on the low side. I hope my friend's building can withstand Cat 5 sustained winds
  4. What's with recon having so many technical issues the past couple years?
  5. New Orleans mayor apparently told people at noon today to evacuate after telling people to shelter in place yesterday. Genius leadership down there
  6. So I'm no expert but will "rotating with the wind" help a crane survive a Cat4+ storm?
  7. Friend apparently lives in Mid-City neighborhood of New Orleans on the 2nd floor. Is that relatively "safe" all things considered?
  8. So I looked more into the Tulane University thing and highly, highly recommend checking out the Twitter meltdown. Apparently they recommended folks shelter in place while evacuating the football and volleyball teams so they could "practice for an upcoming games." Also, again, were still holding classes through today!
  9. It's utterly bizzare reasoning. I guess the mayor is confident the levees will hold but given history (even allowing for the $50 billion in upgrades) that's quite the gamble. Even more absurd is Tulane is still holding Saturday classes today
  10. They were not. We tried talking them out of it to no avail
  11. One of my friends is apparently gonna ride out the storm in New Orleans because of the mayor's "shelter in place" recommendation.
  12. Wow can't believe it's not a category 69 rn clearly will be a tropical depression at landfall. Nothing like Sandy!
  13. The New Orleans mayor suggesting people should "shelter in place" is ridiculous
  14. I know everyone is (understandably) focused on New Orleans but the Houma area is one of the most populated areas of the state and is taking a direct hit. Dire situation all-around
  15. I just saw the Cat 4 forecast and my jaw dropped. Heartbreaking...
  16. Weird seeing Houma in the center of the cone after doing a road trip out there a month back. It didn't strike me as a place that would take a direct hit from a major 'cane that well
  17. This thread will probably be more informative than the NE forum Henri thread for whatever that is worth
  18. Genuine question: Is there any reason this thread is not in storm mode?
  19. Really could just leave it at STOP POSTING lol
  20. When was the last time a system landfalled as tropical on both the western coast of Florida and New England?
  21. I'll say one thing: Elsa sure is persistant
  22. Going to be nearly 30 degrees warmer in Portland than Dallas today. Unheard of
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