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Everything posted by ForestHillWx

  1. Other than the black walnuts changing colors/dropping leaves it still looks lush out this way. Yard is getting mowed weekly.
  2. Looks like south jersey is getting some of the outer limits of Dorian now. Seems he dumped quite prolific rains in the Carolinas.
  3. 58. Tomorrow night progged lower. First 40s of late summer?
  4. No storms out this way, but an excellent sunset. Too humid for my liking though.
  5. Pretty much a perfect late summer evening out this way. 77 degrees. Low humidity. Scattered cumulonimbus.
  6. Some of the heaviest rain I've had all summer. Granted it lasted 12-15 minutes.
  7. Getting crushed in Chester. Sitting in my car in the shoprite parking lot. Pouring rain.
  8. Man the clouds over Morristown have that "look" to them. Some hues of green mixed in. Eery for sure. No rain yet just very still with boomers all around.
  9. Second storm of the night at our doorstep. Good lightning, some thunder so far.
  10. Gust front came through will at family's BBQ in Randolph. Down to 77 now.
  11. 77/73. I'll be happy to see this airmass exit stage right at some point tomorrow.
  12. 78/74 out this way. The lack of the days breeze is noticeable as mentioned above. Tuesday and Wednesday lows are projected for 56/57...it will be awesome to open the windows and turn off the AC.
  13. Just got home. 86/78. Going to 4-h fair shortly; for as long as we can handle it.
  14. My father always said the all day rains were better than the deluges from quick hitting thunderstorms. Could be an old farmer's saying or could have some validity.
  15. Storm is at my door step. Light rain, huge flash of lightning and rip of thunder just now.
  16. What are the predators of cucumber beetles? Mantis? A friend of mine was highly interested in perma-culture, where you essentially plant in a manner to create natural inhibitors. I have considered it, but don't have the time to start that project yet.
  17. For all the rain we had this spring, the past 10 have been very dry. The rivers out this way are well below bank full. This is needed rain if we are about to enter the oven for the next 10-14.
  18. A 999 lp right on the Delmarva, could be fun. Could also be a bad few days at the beach for those on vacation. So much lead time...
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