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Everything posted by kdxken

  1. Where are all the Mets who were talking about an early summer pattern?
  2. Lots and lots of trees. Is that all private land along route 62?
  3. I actually went through hubbardston last weekend. I kept seeing your log on and thought I had never been. Do you live near the guy with the big plastic Chicken in his yard?
  4. Hey Kaitlyn why don't you have yourself a cookout.
  5. Eight straight days with rain for Boston.
  6. "After an overnight soaking of 1.19", we have now picked up 7.21" of water in Fitchburg, MA just since April 1! I'm guessing "goodbye drought" come tomorrow's newest installment from the US Drought Monitor."
  7. When I joined my first golf league I didn't have a handicap. I shot a 33 for 9 first time out and that established my handicap for 10 rounds. Didn't win a match.
  8. How are we coming with those 70s for today?
  9. Just in time for bed. Isn't that always the way?
  10. "Yeah this sounds decent despite Kooky Kenny posts 70+ where most folks LIVE thru Thursday " My apologies, I had my DIT forecast decoder ring on the wrong setting. Now I see it, 40s and rain. Nailed it!
  11. Uh huh, you said this week was going to be sunny and in the mid 70s.
  12. Not for nothing but you asked for it. " Looks toasty tomorrow. I’ll take a shit week if I can get 65-70 on Sunday " Happy birthday...
  13. Yeah this sounds decent despite Kooky Kenny posts 70+ where most folks LIVE thru Thursday So Ryan stole your log on?
  14. Are you still on board for mid-70s through Thursday?
  15. You've had three straight days of rain.
  16. Same, no one's ever complained but if I'm there early I'll usually drive a half a mile or so into the woods before I start cutting.
  17. I really feel bad for you guys. I have heartburn once in a blue moon but boy does it suck.
  18. 10:00 to 5:00 is my sweet spot. People don't appreciate howling chainsaws at 4 a.m.
  19. What do you do when you want to go see a band? Eat, watch the opening act and go home?
  20. I think it's a city thing eating later. I lived in the city most of my life and no one ate that early.
  21. So what you're saying is a forecast for the 31st of May is not set in stone?
  22. No matter, the cookout is long over, the kids have been tucked in and you're ready to get some shut eye!
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