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Everything posted by H2O

  1. It’s so warm out the bugs are already back. Got a face full twice while outside. Yay!!
  2. So what we've had for DJF
  3. They will forever be the WTFs as long as Snyder owns them
  4. Greg Roman with no SB wins or Eric Bienemy who has 2. I bet I know which one this dumpster team hires.
  5. Instead of building muscle and repairing my knees and hip joints, my body now spends most of its energy producing ear hair. Like why do I need this? To keep gnats from going in my ears? To comb?
  6. Having been the victim of a game where refs DIDN'T call a couple penalties at the end of a game(WAS vs NYG) that directly affected the outcome, the call last night was still the correct call to make. Could they have called more? Sure. Thats every game tho and not just SBs. But refs do this all the time. They let things go until a player takes it too far and then they have to call something. Thats why they are there. Players will take it further and further and will eventually get caught. There are rules and players already get away with too much because the refs DON'T flag every play. If the refs did then the game would be unwatchable. We don't know how not holding would have made that play unfold. Maybe if the Eagles D man had let it go it still would have been and incomplete pass. So blame him for doing something that made the ref have to make a call. Don't blame the ref for doing his job at that moment.
  7. Some sleet here this morning. It’s the manure of winter precip
  8. This winter is the manure and we all have to eat it. But it’s not celebratory
  9. I’d eat sliced cardboard if it has good sauce, cheese and pineapple
  10. I sat outside this afternoon and soaked up sun. Cold air is wasted if all it does is torch a day later and it’s no different than spring
  11. This food causes violence
  12. me after I read some peoples posts on here
  13. Sometimes the simplest form of humor is the best
  14. Soild posts PSU. Shows what taking ownership of things can mean.
  15. I’ve been telling myself that since 2007.
  16. Sweet and savory. That’s my motto for life
  17. This is true. Especially when they don’t put olives on the pizza
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