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Everything posted by H2O

  1. I wish metro wasn't as much of a cluster eff. Would make for a much more viable means for many and get rid of the need for people to drive into the city.
  2. There was a news story they did right after that crash and they said DC has about 88 MILLION in unpaid tickets. Thats right. 88 Million.
  3. When I joined our pool we didn't even have a website that was easy to find or updated. We've only recently embraced social media as a mean to advertise and had zero marketing when I was on the board. Now there is a more concerted effort to get the name out. And in a lot of ways the success of the swim team was the best advertising we had. But with that came problems. Again, people expected our pool to be this awesome place based on moving up to higher divisions. So the ones only joining for swim team would leave when it didn't meet those expectations. And we have what i call rental families. they only join because of the swim team and don't make much effort to be part of the pool community. Never help on set up/clean up, barely attend social functions, etc. They only use the pool for swim team. So its been a struggle to build a solid group who just enjoy the pool for what it is.
  4. I def thought it could have been impaired driver or distracted. I've seen it a ton just from all the years of working along roads. But as explained, terrible things can happen from accidents and this is just one of those really bad ones. Once cars lose control then anything can happen. And its sad 6 people died.
  5. I could tell you stories about your first part. It can be bad because there are a lot of crappy parents out there. What I've found in all my years is that the struggle to keep and attract members stems from the too high of expectations new members have of what a pool offers. We have heard time and time again how people expect a country club type level pool for what they feel they pay for. They need all the amenities and it needs to be fancy and gorgeous. Well, there are pools that offer that but expect to pay $1000s to just join and then pay over $800 every year. Most small pools like mine try to balance out keeping costs low to attract people and doing what we can to make the pool appealing. The prob is we are an old pool. And what do people want in a pool? Is it the pool or you need a great toilet to shit in? I go to swim, not complain about the parking lot looking rough. If I have a place to set my cooler with beer I'm not supposed to have and chill with my kids then I'm happy.
  6. This is why I’m glad I’m retired. This is stuff I was exposed to. Careless drivers and despite plenty of cokes and light and precautions you get this. Unless it was a medical emergency my bet is drunk driver or texting
  7. I'm thinking of building a windmill to generate some juice. Should make a ton of money. 35F and still windy and petty
  8. I'm here for the petty wind obs
  9. I'm hearing that the WTFs did make offers but it got to be above what they wanted to pay. Thats how it goes. 10 mil a year for a backup is super high end and just not what Rivera wanted to pay for a backup. And agree with the other part. If Howell plays bad then all you'd hear is Heinicke's name chanted. Can't hate the guy for going to where he gets paid.
  10. That sucks. Wish him well but he was epic here.
  11. Sounds like what my reaction will be when I see snow again
  12. I am enjoying the heavy wind and the accumulation of air
  13. What a way to spend mornings 41F and heavy pollen runoff
  14. We have time on our side for a positive change. Maybe by june the GFS will finally nail down a track and we can get a tropical low up the coast
  15. And same to you for being where you want to be and happy early 60th!! May you have many more after!
  16. Some Perry Mason you are.
  17. The only thing I chased was turning 50. Not that I wanted to but that was the goal. Turning that finally meant all the hard work and sacrifice paid off. I knew I was never going to be rich. Didn’t take a path in life that would make $$$. All I wanted tho was to provide. Make enough to have a home, family and be able to do fun things occasionally. There were going to be tough times and that happened. But thru it all I kept going with the hope it would work out. my goal was to retire at 50. Thank whomever one can pray to that I was able to get thru 30 years of work to make it. All I wanted was to be able to get out at an age where I can do things with my kids. That’s what I’m trying to do now. The mileage I put on myself from work is taking a toll tho. Shit hurts now and I hope I didn’t wear things out too soon to be able to enjoy it all. But thankfully I can now do things and be there for my kids. I’m not money rich but spirit rich. I have wonderful friends that also help me see the joy in life. And while I still have my health I’m gonna try to make others happy and do the things that some never get to. One doesn’t need wealth to be wealthy.
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