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Everything posted by H2O

  1. Its a global conspiracy to make our kids smarter than us so they can argue at every turn.
  2. Still time left to close schools for snow
  3. Saw quite a few people wearing this morning. And also saw someone jogging. Smfh
  4. Probably never. Not to this extent
  5. It really is. The smell was about a 6 yesterday but now is like a 8-9
  6. I have never seen as red of a sun as this morning Stepped outside and the smell is overpowering
  7. Glad to see my hood making the list of places that are like an asbestos factory. Franconia 204
  8. Gotta get those relays in before that train
  9. We have an ice truck coming today so closing the pool would kinda suck. Kids come first tho. Closing for smoke at least is more valid than when our guards close for fake storms thats just airplanes taking off
  10. Waiting to see if our pool opens but found out the swim team is optional for practice later.
  11. Just got a code red AQ alert
  12. Lemon lab shandy. Perfect for smokey summer days sitting around the pool wearing an oxygen mask to be able to breathe.
  13. You aren't making bathtub gin that only tastes good when filtered thru an old gym sock so I'm sure yours is decent. If i made my own beer it would probably be like this
  14. This is when I'm glad to be retired and not have to be out working in this. A day breathing in this crap all day and it will be like if I crushed 2 packs of Pall Malls. Only side benefit from this is the cool air. Usually the bad AQ days are when we are expected to get to the 90s-100s
  15. Air is just awful this morning. Hazy, smells and can tell it’s gross
  16. Landfill fire down in Lorton will add some local smoke to the skies
  17. From my experience, dry and droughts this early really suck more because there just wasn’t a chance to fill reservoirs and aquifers during the “rainy” season of winter and spring. So when we get hot and dry that’s when the pain hits. Low flows now ain’t good
  18. They just wanted to burn thru the A name
  19. Was a nice day at the beach today. A bit breezy and temps were only 70 but didn’t get cloudy until late.
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