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Everything posted by H2O

  1. 80.9F for the high. Roasty toasty
  2. Tuck this fucker 75 more miles east and I'll stop worrying
  3. Wow. Not often you beat me in warm temps. Only 61 here
  4. Ji gives mappy shit for posting a reality based snow map but then posts this?
  5. 1000 posts by Ji on how winter sucks?
  6. 49.7 currently. mix sun/clouds
  7. We rarely bust low when record warmth is called. But lets see if the wedge holds better than the one you can get at Outback.
  8. Oh there is useful info to get from that post. Very useful. Maybe not so much from the post itself. If you catch my drift.
  9. There are parts of LA that now have a blizzard warning. Higher elevations but still. This winter absolutely sucks ass
  10. We will get the Carl Spackler of polar vortexes
  11. If it helps slow the weeds growth I currently have then that's all I'm rooting for.
  12. Pretty much what I said in my post about Bienemy needing to get out from under Reid. Lewis was under Gibbs I believe and needed to show that he could do a defense away from BAL to get HC attention. Bienemy can use this to show he was the one who got the KC offense to really fly while under Reid. And I think they also sweetened the deal to give him the first dibs on HC job here with WSH
  13. I’ve read a few things that still give me hope but him selling his house is a subtle clue. His primary residence now is in England.
  14. I’ll tell you why he took it. He knows Snyder was a on his way out. So he knows he won’t have an owner calling the shots. Second, as long as Reid is there Bienemy will always have the knock on him that it’s still Reid calling the shots. And many have said the reason he HASN’T gotten a HC job is that it isn’t been totally him running the KC offense. Third, and what is being reported, is that he now gets a title of AC OC and more pay. I would also posit that he only took the job if they gave him first dibs on head coach if Ron quits or gets fired. Fourth, I can see how he wants to prove himself without a QB like Mahomes. Well Howell might be that good. Seriously. The dude crushed while at NC and went back for his senior year which was probably a mistake given the other better players left. So he fell in the draft and the WTFs scooped him up. This is a great hire because the WTF WRs are really good and I think this guy will do a fuck load better than Turner ever would have.
  15. Now this is what we do here. Cold wind
  16. This rain will be good to help when we heat up to 90 in april
  17. Caps playing like doo doo last 3 games
  18. February showers bring February flowers
  19. We always do wind. No matter the season
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