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Everything posted by H2O

  1. 3.64” per the Davis from yesterday. Good thing I had checked the gutters after the storms earlier this week
  2. Euro dryslot even in the summer.
  3. need a change to this wx pattern. boring
  4. My back got torched cutting grass yesterday. Given how there will be heat advisories the next couple days I’m glad it’s done. Grass will turn to ash soon without some rains. Looking dry this week
  5. Development is the main culprit with EC. When you look at other historical floods for them they are mostly river based and not from water flushing down the hills and streets. Very little is required of developers for making sure that the down stream infrastructure is adequate for the size of neighborhoods they want to build. So you have land changing from permeable to needing SWM. The thing about that is the velocities of the run off has changed drastically. A new development will get that water off its area and into the natural drainage a hell of a lot faster than if it were trees and soil. Once you get a ton of water moving at a fast speed it creates its own path. Oddly enough, a storm drain 85% full carries more water than a pipe 100% full.
  6. at least things are starting off with more sun today than same time yesterday.
  7. That was fun. Saw the storm coming and went out with both my daughters to watch the storm come in. Sweet shelf as it came in. Kids had a blast
  8. https://twitter.com/H2Omaker71/status/996166893332566018
  9. some clearing behind these few showers so will have to see how long that takes and for how long to get things juiced up
  10. woooo!!! slight!!! http://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/outlook/day1otlk.html
  11. i wondered if we were dry recently. It figures. i had put down a weed killer and hoped ma nature was going to do the watering.
  12. I am going to assume that after a couple weeks of this Amwx wants the pop ups. Way to go, guys
  13. and the pop ups are fuucking dumb. Get rid of them.
  14. they must have DST enabled. you got back early
  15. <-----not on well water. I run faucets at home all the time because I can
  16. That was so long ago all my pics are on CD and not flash drive.
  17. you claiming to be a professional might me more egregious
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