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Everything posted by bwt3650

  1. Almost a decade after graduating law school, I'm studying for the Feb bar right now...Should be interesting at 40...but I'm burnt out in my current career and I need it to get ready to start something new...You have to take chances in life and like you said, if you want it, go get it. That's the difference between mediocrity and success. And I don't mean just financial success; it's more about working toward something and succeeding, whatever it may be.
  2. Having kids was the best decision I ever made. My oldest is 8 now and its funny how much they turn out like you. His biggest passions are weather and skiing (specifically, hurricane tracking). Its so funny when he shows me an "area of interest" on his weather app and gets exited like when I hear about a -epo.. I never pushed him into anything, but its like at that age, they just want to be like you. Coolest feeling in the world and I know a time will come when they go through that age where they want nothing to do with me, but I'll soak it all up for now. Don't get me wrong, the three of them can be little assholes at time, and the parents that say their kids aren't are lying, but cant we all. You can live the life you want without the suit and tie, picket fence and all the bs that goes along with it and still have kids. You just have to make time for the important stuff...and you have to be ready. I def was not in my later 20s.
  3. I bet that county map would have many in-state counties higher than the neighboring state's counties due to population ratios in the next couple weeks if they had stuck with it.
  4. Minus the after ski bar hopping, which can be controlled, there really aren't many safer activities. People need to find some enjoyment and they will. Better to be outdoors than in. This weeks looks like a good window to pound out the man made.
  5. I think much of the "blame the teachers" is a knee jerk reaction to frustration. Locally, there was a small group of teachers (mostly union reps) right before school was going to start who went into a busy downtown to protest the openings and march in the middle of the street. Honestly, it left a bad taste to a lot of people and I think it was a mistake. But we shouldn't group a whole profession by a few, whether you agree or disagree. What I have seen personally is many teachers, including all three who teach my kids, busting their asses trying to make things work and showing more patience than I probably could. Most teachers are showing right now that they took the job because they really care. We should focus the frustration toward the real decision makers, who are often influenced by the few, instead of blaming all teachers.
  6. I mentioned yesterday that the only position I will take on this so that there is no political implications is that we cannot keep kids out of school indefinitely. So much damage has been done to them already and while many can adjust to virtual, there are so many who are suffering. Say what you want about bars restaurants retail etc. (there are reasonable arguments for both keeping them open and limiting them and people can disagree) but Schools are an ESSENTIAL business. We can find a way to operate Walmart, Home Depot etc., we must find a way to operate schools safely.
  7. Looks like some upslope late weekend, early next week. Also maybe the coldest night of the season so far. In a sea of warmth, it looks like the mountains will get a good window to blow like crazy next week. Might be able to go 24/7 for most of the week. I can imagine the prep going on this weekend to be ready to really hit it hard and make up for the last two weeks.
  8. My wife works from home full time and I literally spend half the day saying “shh, mom is on a zoom call”. It’s not fair to them because really, they are just being normal 5, 7 and 8 year olds. Our 5 year old daughter has gotten good at the virtual thing, but she’s still a 5 year old and you can’t just leave her alone to do it. Honestly, my wife is a superhero for figuring it out when I’m not home. But these are all the selfish reasons for wanting them back. What really bothers me is I know at their age, they are not getting the same education and lacking the social interaction they need. Most Teachers are working hard at it and deserve credit, but it will never be the same and no one will convince me otherwise.
  9. The only thing I will add is that it is clear that the school situation is taking a major toll on kids. I see it in my three, who are in elementary and I see it in my niece and nephew in HS. There is also an argument that less involvement in sports and extracurricular activities lead to kids spending more time congregating socially with friends where there is no control over reducing the spread (i.e. if you are at football practice, your coach is going to make sure you wear a mask when you should). I won't get involved in taking a position one way or another for most of the other issues as that seems to often turn political, except when it comes to schools. I think the data is pretty conclusive that bars, social events and private gatherings are MUCH more likely to cause outbreaks than schools. I'm really concerned about the damage being done to kids.
  10. The media was the biggest loser in this election. No matter how things shake out, I think people’s trust of the media and polling has to be down near zero, if it wasn’t already.
  11. I know those two peaks...if only two weeks later.
  12. I’ll have to get my special “jay” measuring stick for reporting totals this year. It’s funny, they will always beat everyone in the east in snow totals, yet there’s still those rumors that they over report. It will be interesting to compare my totals to theirs this year. They should just get a summit snow stake cam and end the debate, though I couldn’t imagine ever getting a solid reading up on that ridge.
  13. Yep, thanks...that’s the one I was reading. Good stuff. If you find any others, pass them along.
  14. Back camera not working so all I have is this crappy front door spot. Wind must be going crazy up there so id just be guessing at totals, but it looks like we got a little less than down toward Stowe.
  15. Tough to tell for sure on my cam, but it looks like a spotty, slushy coating on the sidewalk leading to my front door. Disappointing to miss the first significant event up there by a week, but I'm glad to see the snow season officially kick off.
  16. Such a great educational post for someone like me trying to learn about these up-slope events. I was literally just reading a paper about the blocked vs. unblocked events and froude numbers (all new to me). So it looks like for the Jay/Mansfield area, we want an unblocked flow which leads to greater precip on the the eastern side? What Froude number is best; anything over 1?
  17. My wife is the same way; hates the drive. Me, I just put on some tunes and go..the drive doesn't really bother me unless the weather is bad. The weekend trips are a quick turnaround, but this year with the restrictions for VT, we will be doing bigger chunks of time up there. During normal winters midweek, I'll make the drive to southern VT. in the same day all the time. Anything north of Killington is a lot in one day, but I've done it. Skiing is def a sickness in that way.
  18. They have a great window non-stop through mid week. They would def be open in the glades during a normal year. They just need to get through the seven day torch following mid-week. Mt. snow blowing up top too.
  19. I'm about 5 minutes from the Morris County border. Your old spot in northern Morris is one of the better areas in NJ. The areas with about 1000' feet of elevation there like Northern Morris, into Passaic, do much better than the immediate NYC metro and the rest of NJ. In my area of NJ, we can do ok during some of the colder winters if the coastals track just right but the bad winters, wow, are they painful. Unlike up north, the cold is more important than the precip. Last year, we literally had no accumulating snow during the winter outside of maybe one small event. 11-12 was bad here too. We had a good stretch in 10-11, 13-14 and 14-15 . Snow retention is really the issue. Outside of those three, I don't remember any winters recently that had snow cover for more than a week or two. I love being up North when it just looks like winter all season. Northern VT is great too for the up-slope component; you don't have to have that big, perfect, synoptic setup to snow. I'll take the 3-6 five days a week over the monsters. I'm interested to compare how my location does with up-slope compared to PF, Phin, J spin and others and to compare what wind patterns and setups dump snow where. Jay and Mansfield seem to do well in similar conditions. This will be my first winter really spending a lot of time up there so I'm curious to compare event totals with everyone else.
  20. Hey everyone; I've been posting in the ski season thread for a few years now but I never formally introduced myself. I'm Chris and though my primary residence is in NJ I spend a lot of time up at our place in Jay and especially this year, will be up there for a good chunk of the winter. I care much more about the weather up here than in NJ, so this is the thread I'll follow most. Obviously, upslope is what gets it done at my location (1900',) so I'm looking forward to learning from you guys about the patterns to watch in this area. Also, I figured it would be good to have a name to go with the f-u posts from the southern crew when I post pictures knee deep in powder from those three day long upslope events. Enjoy the winter guys!
  21. Think of the possibilities this winter..I could leave the rain in NJ, drive through the Snow in SNE and arrive at my place at Jay to light Cirrus. They don't put that in the Northern New England brochure.
  22. I really think you will be fine. There is a reason they are preaching education as opposed to enforcement. No one wants to deal with all the legal issues nor figure out a way to enforce the quarantine. They just want people to do what you are doing and follow the guidelines...which by the way I don’t agree with, but will follow. Day trippers driving up, booting up in their car, spending a morning on the mountain, then driving back are not going to lead to an outbreak.
  23. I think just locking them by straight up county would be easy for them, but I don’t see how they handle the quarantine aspect of it. And to just flat out lock out counties I think presents a legal argument...Vermont currently is not preventing interstate travel, they are just setting guidelines on how to do it...just my opinion, but I certainly believe you that it was/is being discussed. I would agree get Snowdon first then you have the six pack and triple going at the same time to help with lift lines due to the restrictions..maybe they work on skye peak or bear earlier than usual to spread people out to that base area? I’m not that familiar with their usual opening besides the ridge then snowdon.
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