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Everything posted by bwt3650

  1. Yeah, there are zero complaints about those type of days. It’s the best stress relief there is. Ski all day in great conditions and go on a nice long walk with the dog at dusk. Anyone who can should at least day trip it up here this year. It was amazing and that really wasn’t even a powder day. I’m sure they could use the tix sales too. Looking forward to us all cashing in soon.
  2. I’d say I’m closer to a foot with the 4 from a few days ago, but I’m at about 1850’ so numbers look good.
  3. Phin, what’s your elevation there? Interesting to see how this plays out for you there. I’m optimistic that I’m going to have enough elevation to get a solid gain and hopefully, kill it on the upslope
  4. It’s the mid Atlantic conditioning. We live with hearing “a pattern change is coming” and “this one should stay all snow” to wake up to 2.75” of dog crap. I get where he’s coming from. It takes some adjusting to realize being up here, you just let it play out. The averages are the averages and mountain climate will win. I’m at an advantage in Vermont tho, you know with the Vermont chill. Anytime I have some snow anxiety, I throw on a flannel, crank some phish, and go watch the Subaru’s drive by.
  5. Yeah, it’s similar here. With so little traffic, the natural trails were actually pretty good today. Yesterday, it was really a stretch to have some of them open. They only opened 3 glades but you could find others that were more than skiable today. Def have to plan your turns and keep your eyes open tho. I held off on Stowe only because I think there was more natural here. I’m hoping next week some of upper four runner trails get open. Not worth blowing one of my epic days to lap the mountain triple, but I’m looking forward to getting there soon.
  6. People starting to mention this weekend up here. As of now, what we may lose to a mix, we might get back in upslope afterwards. Maybe this is the storm that gets jay and Stowe open..we’ll see. The northern greens are due for a strong 10-14 period.
  7. Lower lift line was open yesterday, but they wound up closing it. It was in bad shape. It was back open today, but still not the best. Kitz was better, and today was great with last nights snow. I think I lapped that to stateside glade about four times. Timbuktu wasn’t open. Not sure why with everything else on stateside open. They prob could have opened most of the glades today, but held back on a lot. They are finishing up blowing ullrs, so I think they just didn’t want to deal with people on that side making their way over. I would guess they move the guns to upper north way to get the tram ready and if this weekend comes through, should be pretty close to 100 percent next week.
  8. There’s about 4 at the top today...quietly, a great day out there after the refresh. And jay being jay this year, you can find trails still barely touched an hour after the lifts started spinning.
  9. Yeah, my bad. I didn’t realize that, but he confirmed what I suspected anyway. Just out of curiosity, is there anyone from BTV here?
  10. I noticed that when the local discussions in marginal events when they talk about accumulations, they generally undershoot snow totals up here. Even when they mention higher elevation totals, it’s generally a little less than we get. I think yesterday, it only mentioned up to an inch. I’m assuming that jay is so unique in its micro-climate that you are more forecasting for the general geographic area and not something so specific and unique like a ski area town. Am my completely off?
  11. For the record, I’m completely cool with all snow here. No need to mention rain.
  12. Decent burst came through about 3am. Finished with just shy of 3”. It’s a start.
  13. Hmmm...I could see some glades opening up with that. It certainly beats the “0” inches the last seven days.
  14. If it’s not going to be dumping snow, it really doesn’t get much better than today. Mid teens, bright sunshine and no wind.
  15. I sound like a broken record, but honestly, it’s so close. There are some glades open and the natural stuff is very thin, but there’s a base. If we could pull like 8-12, it would be a whole different mountain. They could literally go from 30 or so trails to probably 70. You would think a foot at jay would be easy, but it’s like pulling teeth. The saving grace is there hasn’t been any washouts but I bet it’s been several years since the trail count was this low going into the second week of Jan. If some of the upslope comes through this week and the late week disturbance holds together, it may a solid weekend. But wow am I (and I’m sure a few others) getting impatient.
  16. Ski patrol at jay helping sum things up with graphics. The sign pretty much says it all. The mountain needs to eat. Great natural trail; hanging on by a thread today.
  17. Verbatim, the gfs has non-stop daily snow everyday starting Tuesday for about a week. I guess that would be how the northern greens get it done while everyone else sits and waits. 2-3 a day for a week with a little more Friday and no crazy wind or arctic would be just fine with me. I guess we can hope.
  18. 6-12 more on the ground would make such a difference at the ski resorts up here. That little bit is the difference between glades and no glades right now. It does appear that lots of upslope opportunities will be showing up once through mid next week.
  19. How are the trails holding up at the top there? The little bits we’ve gotten and cold temps have helped here, but we could use a refresh. Having some natural snow mixed in has at least prevented it from turning into that worn, ground up ice. I bet southern vt. snow is a bit more beat right now. Want to try and get over to your spot next week.
  20. Jay didn’t get your memo on the more energy efficient guns today. Really great stuff. Awesome learning the ins and outs of a ski resort. If I could do it all over, would have found a job at a resort or maybe pick up something part time in retirement. I’m guessing the temps lower temps at jay have helped keep them blasting over some of the other resorts. Might also be that in some years, there wasn’t such a need with more natural. Also maybe a good year to market the capability of the system and ability to keep drawing visitors with the thought once we return to a post covid world soon, the potential buyers for the resort will return. Apparently, the sale was pretty close before covid.
  21. Looks awesome..conditions were much better the last few days. It’s getting close up here. If the upslope had panned out this week like it looked earlier, would have seen some serious terrain expansion. Hopefully, we get some surprises.
  22. Something seems up with wildcat. They seem like they aren’t trying at all, even when they had natural snow and could have opened earlier...and now not blowing and so few trails. I will say that I don’t think that’s the case at jay and Stowe. Both seem to be blowing at every opportunity. Guns have been on non-stop all week at jay. They really don’t have tremendous fire power compared to a Stowe, snow or killington, but they have methodically been blowing the connections, beginner terrain and other important trails. It usually takes them about 3-4 days from start to trail opening, but def not holding back. Freezer should be opening in a few days and prob some natural terrain over there is close.
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