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Everything posted by CAPE

  1. Getting a last hurrah band on the back edge and its finally all snow and snowing hard. Won't last long enough to amount to anything though.
  2. Yeah nothing fake about that.
  3. I hope it all melts before the real cold comes in. Remember, I am bitter.
  4. If only he lived in Dover..
  5. Dw it will be plenty cold enough for snow beginning tomorrow, just no moisture.
  6. Yeah the Euro did well overall. It did have accums east of the bay though, although it dropped it below an inch at 12z. NAMs were too low on the snow overall where it did fall, but in the end totally nailed the low level warmth on the coastal plain and had zero snow east of I-95. That verified, although maybe the lower eastern shore can salvage a coating from those bands moving NE from eastern VA.
  7. Go against the weenie mantra. Never hug the snowiest model. Always hug the crappiest. NAM wins this one.
  8. My driveway has sunken into the mud. I will welcome a mini drought.
  9. I know The last few runs of NAMs nailed it for east of I-95. Zippo. The FV3 on the other hand..
  10. 0.15" of rain here! woohoo. 34 with some wet snow now but not much left to come through. I might start rooting for futility lol.
  11. Yeah as I recall you were in the greater DC snow hole last winter. I did okay here, a tad over climo. This winter has sucked overall here but I wont complain much. It doesn't do any good lol. My gut says we finally get our 2-4 week "good" pattern with multiple chances. Hopefully we score a couple, and maybe even a whopper.
  12. I replied to Bob's post from the previous page and didn't see the HM tweet post till now, lol. Well damn, if he is thinking potential KU...
  13. Heck with that. Last few GEFS runs are getting that classic look. It will be mid Feb... KU baby.
  14. It has been very consistently showing the best outcome for a large part of the region. Hugging will continue.
  15. Ima keep ridin' the FV3 baby. Probably all the way to defeat.
  16. We got ourselves another one. A never-ending supply of clowns from PA it seems. @showmethesnow Whats the deal up there?
  17. Pretty impressive all the way to the coast on the 3km. Even manages to scrape my yard along the way.
  18. Hugging the FV3 for now. Ofc it will change, but I like the latest HRRR run for here too.
  19. I love my house. I just wish I could move it to Canaan.
  20. The base state in your area is sinking air. You have anti-lift.
  21. Given the difference in climo, its probably proportionally the same, maybe worse for you. Average snowfall here is 18-19", and I am at 6.4" thus far. A couple warning level events or one biggie and I am in the black.
  22. The 6z 3km NAM develops an enhanced band of snow over the central/lower eastern shore. Verbatim it misses my house by a few miles. This winter, that will definitely verify lol.
  23. FV3 continues to be the model to hug for most. Consistently gives my yard 2-3". All other guidance is an inch or less.
  24. That Friday deal looks super weak. Might end up just producing very light snow or virga east of the mountains.
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