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About ineedsnow

  • Birthday 02/02/1986

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Templeton Ma

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  1. kind of welcomed here.. let everything dry out a bit
  2. nothing here yet but went to Agawam today and saw a bunch blooming
  3. That's crazy I left Newport pretty quick and still hit a ton.. we probably had one of the best spots for a quick getaway and still was crap lol
  4. it was ridiculous for a bit lol ended up getting off and taking alot of back roads
  5. Went to Newport that was so awesome.. 6 hours to get home though left right after!!
  6. Hoping the clouds hold off today.. almost time for a great day
  7. Just looked up the event at prouty Beach that sounds fun might do that
  8. didn't see this before my post but see you there lol Derby might even work
  9. leaving at 5am.. I was going to go to my grandfathers in Baldwin mills QC but thinking the border will be a nightmare coming home and have to work Tuesday Going to try for Newport though
  10. still looks like winter for a couple more days here.. we melt soon though
  11. We'll see.. wouldn't be the first time we had snow that late
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