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Posts posted by RyanDe680

  1. 10 minutes ago, Hoosier said:

    Today's fatality count is going to look worse than it otherwise would have since we are not only coming off of a weekend, but a holiday as well.

    As a country, we have been below 1k per day (still ridiculously high) for nearly a month now.  Hopefully that does not begin to trend upwards as well.

  2. Separately FL hospitalization rates are going down.  Hospitalization at 16,201 and ICU avail at 1,302.  

    interesting.  Especially with cars having gone up in the last month.  Wish there were more demographics on the daily testing.  

  3. On 7/3/2020 at 7:40 AM, RyanDe680 said:

    Texas numbers continuing the bad news

    7/1 avail hospital beds:  12,894

    7/2 avail hospital beds:  11,983


    7/1 avail ICU beds:  1,322

    7/2 avail ICU beds:  1,181

    Hospital beds today at 13,307

    ICU availability 1,203

  4. 15 hours ago, Jonger said:

    As testing becomes quicker and easier, you're obviously going to see more cases.

    I would strictly look at positive test rates and deaths. Is there really any usable data from simply looking at cases? 

    Yes, the exponential increase in number of cases does not match the increased rate of testing.

  5. 1 minute ago, Hoosier said:

    I am not familiar with how those states share the hospital data... do they provide covid-only numbers or total numbers?  If it's the latter, then it would make it more difficult to figure out the trends since hospitals can suspend elective procedures and what not.   

    Totals for all hospitals, not just covid... Here's the data

    texas:  https://txdshs.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/0d8bdf9be927459d9cb11b9eaef6101f

    florida:  https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/7572b118dc3c48d885d1c643c195314e/


    As a side note, some of the dashboards that states carry are easy to read and user friendly.  The data still sucks to see, but it is well presented.

  6. Interestingly, watching hospital data in both TX and FL, and hospital admission and ICU bed use going down the last 5 days (sometimes by large amounts), despite cases on the rise there for nearly 3 weeks now.  

  7. 31 minutes ago, Hoosier said:

    Anybody who is asymptomatic can get tested?  Like say you're a 20 year old college kid with no symptoms but you're just curious... even that person?   

    You can do that in IL now too.

  8. At the end of April, the avg. cases load daily was approx 31,000, which at that time had a 2,100 person death rate per day in the US.  Recently, that avg. daily case load is approx 23,000, down approximately 25% and the avg per person death rate daily is approx 750, down 65%.  Even to say that the death toll is two weeks behind, the avg. daily deaths continued to fall quicker than the avg. daily case load.


    I can't rationalize the difference in the % changes in cases vs. deaths (this assumes a rolling average to smooth it out) but I have seen a number of articles of healthcare professionals describing the virus as less virulent and many more asymptomatic cases as of late.  I'm not sure what to think of all that....  


    I'm a numbers person and numbers always tell a story, which is why I look at it from this perspetive.

  9. 19 hours ago, Hoosier said:

    Daily case numbers have trended down in Illinois, so I would expect the death numbers to improve in the coming weeks.

    agreed - it seems as if the numbers have trended downward overall though across the country while cases have remained flat or staring to increase.  next few weeks should be telling.

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