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Posts posted by RyanDe680

  1. When people involved in government continue to publicly declare this over or that ‘it’s no big deal’ or that there were “only” 1,000 deaths, 100k infections a day is the start of the path to 200k per day in the not too distant future.  

    It’s really sad.  

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Wmsptwx said:

    In all honesty this has been worse than I even imagined. We’re easily going to surpass 400k dead by end of winter.

    Yeah but to a few that’s just fat people right?  Forget that their lives matter, along with all the lives of those caring for them.  


  3. 11 minutes ago, StormfanaticInd said:

    This pandemic has revealed a very ugly truth about the current state of affairs in America. Surely we are better than this

    Agreed.  When the football team goes on a bad losing streak, who gets fired?

  4. So here’s a reality check. 

    One of the students in my sons class tested positive over the weekend.  My son developed sniffles, cough, sore throat but no fever.  A neighbor down the street had the same symptoms.  She tested positive on Sunday. 

    I took my son to get tested today - the place was packed and we had a reservation.  I was fortunate to get this as I have a supplemental physical to my primary that helped me find an appointment.  At least 40 people/cars in line - this is where his pediatrician suggested we go for rapid testing and then come to them for a parking lot strep test just in case to rule out most overly contagious things.  The pediatrics office had 12 cars in line for kid testing of covid. 

    To register for a backup test, you have to get up at midnight and register for your spot.  I did this at midnight - they filled in 40 seconds for the day.  All facilities (18 of them) for this particular testing place filled by 12:02am.  

    there still aren’t enough tests for people and the rates are as high as they are.  There’s no efforts to control any of this.  After experiencing just this (my son tested negative, thankfully) I really feel for healthcare workers dealing with this.  They are only going to be under more pressure over the next few weeks/months after having done so much and put themselves in situations beyond their control. 

    to then see a mass rally on tv with maybe 50% masks is simply infuriating.  

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  5. 5 hours ago, Malacka11 said:

    Just gonna leave this here.


    Those of you who believe Trump's actions do not directly impede efforts to curb Covid are a bunch of colossally ignorant morons. 

    The fact that, once again, research and science (which I know people hate to hear) shows that these measures help prevent the spread of this has been defied, and practically ignored.  


    No one is expecting either administration to pull a miracle out at this point, which won't happen no matter who is in that chair, but at least acknowledgement is better than blatant ignorance.  

    • Like 5
  6. 41 minutes ago, Hoosier said:

    Europe is the place to judge the US performance against, imo.  In late spring and summer, they showed what is possible when you get serious -- extremely low numbers.  And now they are showing what happens when you relax and the weather gets colder.  I don't think it is fair to compare the US to smaller countries surrounded by water.

    I wouldn’t compare numbers no, but I would compare the response, especially given equivalent larger city populations.  

  7. 1 hour ago, dta1984 said:

    It is a damn unprecedented epidemic.  It is an impossible situation. 

    No it's your closed minded views clouding yourself. 

    So Australia and New Zealand are complete outliers?  Wake up bro.  This administration screwed this up from day 0.  

    Im sure you regard Mike Pence as an essential worker right?

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  8. 4 hours ago, dta1984 said:

    Law enforcement has plenty to deal with.  How will they enforce this?   

    Who in the hell is you guys?  I am trying to understand why some need daddy government to make a mask mandate yet the local states already have them.  Stores enforce it here, what about there?   Maybe that is your issue given your posts about airport enforcement.  Quit deflecting. 

    Dude stores in IL won’t even close despite a government mandate.  Local stores do whatever they want.  What hole are you living in?

  9. 7 hours ago, JoMo said:

    That's been clear since the pandemic started. You're not going to 'control' it unless you want to resort to draconian measures that are against the US Constitution or that will result in civil unrest or destruction of the economy/jobs, which will have a longer term impact. It never was about fully controlling it, it was always about slowing it down until a vaccine was available by giving guidance on best practices about public health measures that could be taken to reduce the risk of spread.  

    That’s bs.  A draconian measure is national mask wearing?   So seatbelts are draconian???


    the objective should have been to control it with the least best outcome of slowing it down.  Hard to did that when you don’t believe it’s an issue though. 

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  10. 8 hours ago, Hoosier said:

    I don't want to get too far into politics, but honestly, Joe Biden will only be able to do so much if he wins.  From what I understand, it seems like a mask mandate probably cannot be enacted on a national level.  So it would come down to convincing the governors to change course, and then you need to enforce it and have the population buy in.  No easy task.  As far as I am concerned, the horse is kind of out of the barn on masks.  Maybe some people change their tune on masks if they get really sick or if someone close to them does, but that moves the needle at a snail's pace.  The virus is going to be a substantial problem for a while, and I hope that people aren't under the impression that a change in president would suddenly make it all better.  

    I’m not saying a change at the top would make this go away - we’re too far in at this point. But perhaps a more unified approach from either party.  

    it doesn’t help when the person in charge tells everyone to not let this run their lives and defy what has been proven to work.  

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