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Everything posted by RyanDe680

  1. Many of Barke's 'facts' have been disproven: https://www.politifact.com/article/2020/may/14/fact-checking-california-reopen-protest-video/
  2. I agree with this. During a pandemic, it should be like a seatbelt law.
  3. Interestingly this hasn't received much attention and is further along.... https://www.fiercebiotech.com/biotech/positive-news-astrazeneca-s-covid-19-vaccine-imminent-report
  4. Fortunately there's more than just you in the world.
  5. Deaths trail cases. No one knows the death effect this will have with the younger crowd getting it at this point.
  6. I’m not sure the plan was for this to happen like it is. The country didn’t have a unified approach to this vs other countries in the EU for example. Funny not funny but it kind of was yolo and here we are now. There’s a lot of vaccine speculation with no concrete timeline to come of any time soon.
  7. Naw I’d rather infect everyone around me if I had the virus instead of wearing a mask in a store for 20 minutes out of a 1,440 minute day.
  8. Texas avail beds 11,726, ICU avail 977... seems stable
  9. Yeah I kind of just give up with your careless nonsense. Thankful this forum has a block feature
  10. You have zero statistics to back up your poverty suspicions. Instead of posted back dated COVID charts from 3 months ago, explain how we’ve plunged into poverty. So then what’s happening to the hospital systems in Houston, parts of Florida and California are all lies? It’s July. The most cases hospitals see this time of the year are accidents, not viruses.
  11. Hospitals are overwhelmed with 30-50 year olds. The tally hasn’t shown many 85 year olds hospitalized in the last three weeks, much less your speculation if they smoke or are obese.
  12. We weren’t in a depression. deaths trail cases. This has been fact all along.
  13. Texas avail beds down to 11,300. Less than 975 ICU bed available....
  14. When does the incoming threat for fire danger take hold?
  15. What we need is some form of leadership. I fully admit that I'm not a fan of Pritzker and his proposals (especially the tax increases) but he has navigated IL through this pretty well and I'd applaud him for that. The only way out of this is if we work together as a team and make it happen. While some areas are trending down, a lot of other areas are not, making this that much more difficult. I know we all won't agree with what needs to be done and I can't figure out how wearing a mask for 15-20 minutes while in a store is really that bad but what other way would someone propose then? I love the people pitching major fits about wearing a mask but offer no other solutions. It's not hard to follow the science and follow the guidance for the greater good and not just yourself.
  16. Oh man.... FL available ICU beds were at 1,250 earlier in the week, down to 800 now.... Texas available hospital bed were at 12,925 earlier in the week... now at 11,500 yikes
  17. Separately, MD discussion for what looks like a potential STW eastern IA.
  18. I wouldn't have done it, but that is pretty bad ass....
  19. How many times can we go over the 'its just like the flu' discussion?
  20. That just means an average of 470 deaths per day until winter. The 7-day average currently is near 600. I dont know if you mean optimistic like we won't get there or we will, but it sure looks like it's going to happen at the rate that we are going.
  21. It was hot today. Like good old fashioned sun beating on you hot. Love it.
  22. Looks like the state line and north is the best bet. Booo
  23. Both. 7/7 Available beds: 12,925 Available ICU beds: 1,148 Total bed count: 54,744
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