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Everything posted by NorthArlington101

  1. For what little it is worth the long range HRRR has the mix line further south than any other guidance. I’m hugging it.
  2. for real, I love TTT but these maps are horrible. NAM maps had me getting 6” of snow/sleet last night. Wanna guess what I got? Should focus on the 850 temp improvements and just call that a win.
  3. This storm is the worst storm since the last storm where I only got rain
  4. 00z HDRPS smokes DC. 4”+ and counting. I’d give my left pinky for 50+ miles more south.
  5. The difference between 66hrs at 12z and 54hrs at 0z. CHO almost in the game.
  6. EURO totals jumped up for the storm tonight, FWIW. Guess we’ll see if Leesburg gets 4”.
  7. I’m 100% rain in Charlottesville, by the way. Not mixing.
  8. The 12k snow depth map is going to be wrong too. It shows 1” here in the next 6 hours. Not going to happen. I guess maybe it’ll be better further north.
  9. EURO looks like a slight step back just going off P-Type maps.
  10. Hmmm... I think I have a chance at the IAD slammer storm while all the other airports don't do so hot. Look out, I'm coming up the leaderboard.
  11. Notable steps in the right direction though, IMO. I'll be curious to see the EPS in the morning.
  12. Light snow in western parts of the forum at 66.
  13. EURO has a much more pronounced precip shield swing through tomorrow night/Saturday morning, FWIW.
  14. Snow/sleet mix now. That was wild. I was expecting nada tonight. Fatties of both sleet and snow falling from the sky.
  15. Mixed sleet and fatties. So glad I stayed up.
  16. Wow, I’ve never seen anything like this. Absolutely driving sleet. Genuinely a new experience for me. Snowflakes mixed in.
  17. why can’t this ever be inbound when it’s actually snow oh well, 40 degree sleet is fun enough
  18. Ground immediately crunchy. Looking up hurts. Sleet dusted.
  19. Pouring sleet in Charlottesville. Gonna take a sleet jebwalk. Lost a degree in 10 minutes.
  20. welp, 40dbz band coming at me. Let’s see if this will be a sleet fest or just rain.
  21. It's actually a great run for CHO... which is probably a warning this run is off. It's 33/34 the whole time and verbatim we'd ride the R/S line hard. One more south shift would be fantastic.
  22. 42/30 in CHO. I'll keep diligent sleet obs.
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