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Posts posted by USCG RS

  1. 7 minutes ago, kingbaus said:

    Euro is a no go. Looks like the nam is on it's own.

    Not exactly. It is more that the Ukie and Nam had more interaction with the kicker whereas the Euro seems to only partially interact. 

    Remember, this particular s/w is still over 'No-Mans land' in Canada and is therefore yet to be sampled fully. This particular s/w will have a rather significant impact in regards to sensible weather near the coast, so I would be interested to see how this evolves over the next day or so. 

    Edit- the 'kicker' is still towards the Gulf of Alaska, not quite yet into Canada. 

    • Like 2
  2. 9 minutes ago, Enigma said:

    Exactly. There is a 3-6 hour window of potential snow for majority on this board. I'm thinking little to accumulation for city, especially with wet streets and temp at 34. 

    Given the present set up, I would agree with you that this is the correct call. That withstanding, I believe there is the potential for some surprises, especially given the energy around and the possibility of the LP closing off. Should this take place, there is the distinct possibility the tri-state area takes a hard hit IMO. 

  3. 13 minutes ago, weatherpruf said:

    Unlike many people these days, I tend to defer to expertise. You've got credentials, and in legal speak, your expert opinion is given great weight...

    You mean you actually listen when someone who has studied something talks about what they have studied? How could you. 

    • Like 1
  4. Not when you have a borderline airmass, a warm ocean, and a low tucked in this much.
    Tbh - assuming this track verifies - it will depend on how quickly the LP closes off. Sure we torch front end, but of we close off, we crash just as quickly and with the energy involved, these bands can add up quickly.

    Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

  5. Yep, bill em. But also stop doing unconstitutional things like closing public areas during Hurricanes. You can't close a beach. You can't tell me I can't be on public land.
    I don't know how these chasers actually get away with what they do. When Sandy hit, NJ beaches were essentially closed. It was illegal to be there. Which is unconstitutional to the max.
    So in summary. I can be on whatever public land whenever I want, if EMS can't reach me, or bills me for services, or I die because of my stupidity;  that is on me.
    Here's the thing, the reason a mandatory evacuation is ordered is to absolve the responder of the liability associated with said responder not responding when they are called. The other side of that is the fact that a person not evacuating is endangering that same responders life and it is also meant to protect the responder in that way as well.

    Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

  6. First, let Josh be found first. Last I heard, he is still listed as missing.

    Secondly, to do so creates several issues, mainly which that this amounts to a tax by a United States entity. The founding fathers looked at tax as the ability to kill an individual, so while there are valid points behind the desire for this, there is also legal precedent which would likely disallow this.

    Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

    • Confused 3
  7. Why didn't you actually contact a Moderator -
    ... click their avatar ... private message one.  Just a suggestion, sarcasm aside
    Because on mobile it's hard to see whose who... But a wise suggestion.

    Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

  8. It saddens me to say that my snow thrower, White Out will made his final cut last night.  It was fitting that in a season where he went un-used up until last night that his final run was for a good ole fashioned, days of yore, 15" storm. 

    White Out was purchased 20 years ago this year at a now non-existent small engine shop in Canton, Mass.  He has helped me through some of the toughest winters in both the Boston area as well as here in Connecticut, including the unforgettable winter of 2014/15 where he carved his way through 100" of pure joy.  He has also been there for the down times...always waiting, and wanting to sink his teeth into a new coating of white gold...Including the infamous winter of 2011/2012...A bleak moment in SNE winter history, but also stark reminder that Mother Nature holds all of the cards.  And if she says snow ain't comin' then it ain't comin' and there's nothing you can do about it.
    Sometimes we didn't always get along, like the numerous occasions where I pushed him hard to clear many inches of plow driven man snow away from the base of the driveway. There were also those days where I waited too long after a storm and found myself forcing him to cut into a frozen pack.  But we were good together, and good for each other.  Through the good and the bad White Out was always reliable...always there for me...always eager to serve.  Even though he was never excited about the gravel driveway, I knew that he was just a new sheer pin away from happiness.    

    Now, as I move on it is time for White Out and me to go our separate ways.  I will be giving him to a friend who needs him.  This new situation will be perfect as WO is beginning to show his age.  He will be given an easy, double wide, flat asphalt driveway to clear.  No more stones caught in the auger...No more pot holes and rugged terrain...No more doubling back, multiple times to clear huge swaths of driveway, and no more tough, bumpy, uphill climbs...No more parked in an exposed lean-to, covered with a tarp, with the wind whipping at your chute. 

    Here's to you my friend.  I hope you continue to satisfy your need to feed, while living a long and fruitful life at your new home.  
    Take care

    Pics of last nights final cut...
    Prayers for your loss.

    Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

  9. The entire tri state area is about to get whacked. Upper levels are plenty cold. The LP is exploding and a bit SE of models, chasing the temp gradient. Likewise, with all the convection down south, you can see how much energy is involved with this storm. NOAA has the entire tri state area in 2+ inch per hour snows for several hours, with "snowfall in excess of 2 inches per hour expected overnight."

    • Like 1
  10. How bad were the models for today's system down there? What was the jack amounts?, I did not follow that thread.

    NAM actually did best if I recall correctly. The storm was stronger than expected and produced more precip as well. The NAM hinted at this, though it went a bit bonkers (shock, I know).  


    EDIT : Top amounts were around 6-7"






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