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Everything posted by KPITSnow

  1. Man, I sure hope so, but given our history with these types of events I expect the precip coming in to be slop. Got an inch at most. Enough to be irritating and needing to clean the car but not enough to make it worth it. I’m ready for winter to be over.
  2. My point and click keeps dropping my totals. Basically an inch. I’d rather it just not snow at that point.
  3. You could basically copy and paste this map for 90% of our storms.
  4. Jeez...I never say this. I’m ready for spring....even snow squalls disintegrate when they get near us. it is comical reading the comments on here that yesterday’s storm was originally too far north and a mix and ended up being south of us.
  5. Nope. I’m up just north of Wexford...not very impressive and on radar the band looks to be falling apart.
  6. Boy, frustrating start to the winter season. We can save it with one big storm, but unfortunately we all know what is more than likely to happen is rain/slop followed by dry and bitter cold, or we get the annoying half inch snows that are a pain in the butt.
  7. Very disappointing start to the winter as we watch a couple decent storms miss us...feels like every other year.
  8. I remember these events being pretty common in the past even in November... not so much I’m the last 10 years or so. Nice to have a bit of early season snow for sure.
  9. Good lord...look at the nws area map..we are surrounded by advisories. So typical.
  10. Another tropical system in the far northeast Atlantic...it seems every year we get closer to Europe with these systems and with climate change I have to think we will eventually have European landfalls.
  11. My favorite posts have been some posters who were convinced that a Florida landfall was coming, but then yesterday were saying “I don’t know why anyone expected a direct Carolina landfall.”
  12. Welp, so much for that sub 950 pressure njwx was basically wishcasting for last night.
  13. Man, that damage in Abaco looks like cat 1 damage at best!
  14. I think you should try standing on interstate construction when they are blasting a road through a mountain.
  15. To be fair, the MA dislike isn’t just NE. I can tell you us in the PA threads find the MA extremely annoying.
  16. You’re right! Man, that was an epic meltdown. also, where is turtle? Did he finally get the boot for being a fake met?
  17. There haven’t been the normal NE posters in the threads comparing it to sandy...and the Michael thread was hilarious. Who was the poster that kept claiming it didn’t look like a CAT 4 even after the damage pictures came in?
  18. I’d do like a cat 1, that might be fun...but a car 4 or 5 right on the coast. No way.
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