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Everything posted by Dan76

  1. Their pretty nice looking and almost smokeless. Cooking system . https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/20841870-A646-431C-813D-17531BB40071?ingress=0&visitId=dce58aa9-6840-4a53-a7bf-e1c66e9b0821
  2. Nice rain here on south shore.
  3. This stuff works pretty good on them https://www.mycaptainrons.com/
  4. Which means doesn't happen often.
  5. Yawn....but nice Temp drop.
  6. From all the NE flooding. *LONG ISLAND SOUND DEBRIS FIELD*** Attention all mariners in the Long Island Sound area. The National Weather Service in coordination with the United States Coast Guard have received reports of a large debris field across Long Island Sound, caused by recent flooding across New England. This will create some hazards for boaters, swimmers, and watercraft in the affected area. The debris vary from trees, logs, coolers, and docks and may not be easily visible. Boaters should exercise caution and be mindful of the debris. We encourage everyone to make responsible decisions when engaging in water activities near the Connecticut River and Long Island Sound.
  7. Line is not moving that fast 2 rounds of heavy rain.
  8. My grass says....ahhhhhhh,
  9. Pretty moon with the clouds going past.
  10. There's like 20 fires going on right now https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/?parms=regional-ca_reg_east-02-24-1-100-1&checked=map&colorbar=undefined
  11. Wasn't last june kinda the same? Then we know what happened after that.
  12. like night https://www.earthcam.com/usa/newyork/timessquare/?cam=tstwo_hd2
  13. Scroll through these looks like night. https://www.earthcam.com/earthcam-empire-state-building?cam=empirestatebuilding
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