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Everything posted by SouthCoastMA

  1. underwhelming rain totals this week..and Stein comin back with his kung fu grip over the next 7
  2. Actually nervous for the next 1-3 years. Violently overdue for something here, and I need to save up for a genny..but can't really afford one anytime soon. I miss not being a homeowner : 0
  3. 78/69, starting to coc down after an 84/73.3° start
  4. Outside of a boundary hanging around Thursday with hopefully some showers/storms..looks Steiny here over next 7. I had to water the last two days.
  5. looks like radar will start blossoming after 2am or so. should be a decent soaker down here, but we'll see
  6. Stein'd here so far..the bands are just not lining up. Rain to the west and east
  7. During part of June, he tried reaching for one of my ankles from one of those street sewers like Pennywise, but I shook him off. around 2" over the past week.
  8. Had quite the thunderstorm last night around 2am. A quick .80 followed by another .51 through early morning. 1.31 total It's been a while since we've had a nice soaker.
  9. hoping the front is about 12 hours faster than currently advertised, which would allow us to salvage some of the day.
  10. 85/59 hard to get much better in summer
  11. yeah and a few tors on the Cape, the new capital of severe in SNE
  12. 74/71 with .50 overnight and this morning most humid its been so far
  13. Doesn't look like this stratus layer is budging anytime soon. 68/66 .29 last night
  14. Getting it pretty good here in Raynham. It looks like it's trying to make it to the Cape weakening but looks like we might actually get some liquid out of it. it's being Steiny here so I'll take anything
  15. Will it completely dry up before it reaches here. money says yes, like it always does
  16. 74/67..it's all good Stein has a good grip on me though. The lawn could use some rain
  17. 77/67 nothing crazy. and very breezy
  18. Euro is mid to upper 70's here both Saturday and Sunday. We take
  19. Take's 95-100 for you to wear shorts?
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