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Everything posted by Whineminster

  1. Looks like alianthus to me....Tree of Heaven...Ghetto Palm
  2. Nice storm. Lost power for 2 hours. Reports of manholes lifting off and catch basins geysering in FIT
  3. Why does that always seem to happen? We always seem to get stuck in leftover MCS mank on any days it's possible to have big SVR.
  4. That's so cool. Burn off some of that understory detritus. I want one.
  5. Decent storm just east of here....I swear Wachusett makes the storms diverge even they get close
  6. It's only society's perception that having a weedy or crab-grassy lawn is white trash. As us humans are always trying to change our surroundings to fit what we think they should look like, instead of leaving them to what they actually should be. I understand cutting it is necessary to keep away ticks and bees and things and allow kids a place to play, but constantly applying chemicals seems a bit of a waste. A white trash lawn to me is having lots of toys in the yard, bits of trash flying about, maybe a broken down car.
  7. Let's see some pics. What about that big bag of Kentucy 31 Fescue they sell at tractor supply? I seem to have gotten some to grow on my desert.
  8. I don't know about your lawn, but the chickens destroy mine - scratching the balls out of it eating all the grubs and bugs. I live on a sandy rock hill anyway so it doesn't matter, but still.....
  9. Do it, you have time. Find a big rock to hide under if shiznat goes south.
  10. I can hide under the deck of the skier offloading area at the summit. I can run down it in 15 minutes to my car though. Basically I just want to see the anvils as they come in, catch some sick C to Gs while having a Wally, then scurry down before they blow through.
  11. Should I hike up wachusett? Or will I miss the action if I summit around 4:30?
  12. Sooo we bang? Tight tight tight! Been waiting for this.
  13. Aren't we already technically paying them to put out fires through our taxes? It's like double charging.
  14. Yes it's a variety of that....man I hate it. Doesn't help my lawn is sandy and rocky.
  15. Does anyone have these little ground raspberries growing in their lawn? They grow like a thin vine along the ground and have tiny tiny raspberries attached to them occasionally, but they're a PITA and smother any other grass i have growing. I'll have to post a picture when I get home.
  16. Pounding me nicely here. Wachusett getting it good. I seem to be just west of the heaviest echoes. https://www.wachusett.com/The-Mountain/Media-Center/Web-Cams.aspx
  17. It better come this way.... Although I'm too far north I think
  18. If there's one thing these hurricanes have given me, it's a lesson in geography of the Lesser Antilles.......
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