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Everything posted by Whineminster

  1. Are a banana high and a scooter high the same thing?
  2. Should we start a thread so we can wish-cast it our way? Honestly though I don't see how there's going to be any substantial ice when we'll have warm ground and trees from 60 degree temps.
  3. siiiiick. Love that stuff. Ya got like 2" i'd say, enough for the Town to plow.
  4. I had lightening and a clap of thunder last night
  5. You never say I'm in a good spot but you tell other people that :-(
  6. My old man's Honda is like 20 years old and still works
  7. You getting a walk behind self propelled? Front wheel drive? Better start thinking about these things now, lawn is going to be in full green in about 2 weeks the way the winter is going.
  8. My pack blow torched itself in about 3 hours....I really just don't know what to do anymore. I spent all this time after the November storms fixing the plow truck.... tuning the sled.... putting new leaders on the tip-ups.....and poof! It's all gone! Even the pond ice! Plus I spent all this time organizing a sled trip up the cabin with the braap Bros, and the trails probably won't even be open tomorrow in CNH!! Vent over. Sorry for the OT.
  9. this is the worst cutter i can remember in January in my 32 years especially after such an arctic blast.....just a reminder that we don't really live in a winter/cold climate.
  10. damaging event to the pack....not gone....but damaging. Cut you in half.
  11. This is the most depressing.... Gotta head to the Chic chocs if you want snow out of this system
  12. Yeah see I was right. Sled trails and slopes will be icy as hell this weekend
  13. Wow even up on the borderlands it's a disaster ☹️
  14. See, you admit it could be wiped out!!!
  15. I don't think it'll be lost.... But it's going to take a hit.... Like losing a foot or something along those lines
  16. I think you guys are just underestimating what some of the cutter McCutCuts can do in a short amount of time....high dews and fog eating snow does more damage than you think, just ask the Rev. You've been spoiled all winter so now you take it for granted that nothing can touch you. I hope I'm wrong, but areas not as far north as Moosehead like Plymouth NH, Killington, Stratton area are not going to come out of this looking pretty I think.
  17. yeah but it's gonna lead to crappy skiing....bare spots, mud spots, exposed roots and rocks. Swamps opening up on the sled trails....slush pits for ice fishing. You know what I mean?
  18. you think pack will be lost in the north country during this mid week disaster?
  19. How's NNE look for the mid week mess? As long as it snows where it's supposed to.
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