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Everything posted by Whineminster

  1. That's why we have home insurance Mr. Hubby. Sometimes we have to make sacrifices. Those pines could come down in a heavy blue bomb too not just the boomers.
  2. I'm in that area of NH frequently..... Not much there and it's so odd of a story... Not the place you would go if you wanted to lose your identity as someone would notice you
  3. We used to be one of the kings of storms, now we get jack shtttt
  4. Never seen my lawn so brown, looks like dried baby doodoo
  5. Run a hose over to your neighbors outside spigot and back feed your house, throw him a few bucks
  6. No, but half this town is covered in PFAS now from a composting facility that uses paper and wastewater sludge so I'm not surprised it's showing up other places. It's always been there to, it's just that we're testing for it now
  7. Huh.....yeah I skipped watering my PFAS garden today, looks like ma nature will take care of it after all.
  8. Move out this way, it's nice. Commuter rail right in town too.
  9. A drop. Wachusett creates the 7/10 split again
  10. 86 is now COC? It used to be below 76. Goal posts always moving with the ACATT crowd.
  11. Cold and gusty here feeling a little blue, but there ain't no cure like the summertime dews, which are coming in fast
  12. It's all fun and games now but come winter when the Arctic hounds arrive and you're wearing 6 hoods riding that chairlift, you'll wish you had some HHH days to think back on to warm your soul. Instead you'll be thinking about wearing hoods in summer, and launching icicles down on skiers below with rage.
  13. Why do all these videos stop before the end, like the fireworks one.
  14. No they weren't, I feel bad for them too, they made a quality product at a good price. Yeah and the garden is next to my well, granted my well is 200' deep in rock and I just put it there this year, but still. Eeeek! Luckily I'm on the other side of town.
  15. Ughhh....my garden is planted in soil from this place. Would you eat from it? https://www.boston.com/news/local-news/2022/07/07/report-a-mass-composting-facility-likely-spread-significant-amounts-of-forever-chemicals/
  16. Do they get dews in Ukraine? I might need to pick up cheap property somewhere if this dewless cold summer continues
  17. 108 sounds doable. We take then bake by the lake.
  18. At least raise the age to 25 that's a no brainer.
  19. I don't want to have to wear a sweat shirt late in the evening in summer.....that's just messed up.
  20. I love fireworks I wish MA would legalize them.
  21. Can we get some sustained heat please? Like a week of 90+ like days of yore?
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