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Everything posted by Whineminster

  1. Which seems like where you belong, coming in here guns ablazin brah
  2. I've never done it, only way I would do it is if a big cane hit me.
  3. Getting dire. Been north west or south of us all summer
  4. Maybe a better shot on Friday, but even the showers we got were helpful
  5. Some showers but not much. Pushed off east and south.
  6. Risk birds for a little four wheeling? Tsk tsk
  7. Drought begets drought, obviously it's true
  8. Huh, probably why I heard fire trucks all morning
  9. Salisbury like an hour and fifteen, but water so cold
  10. Or infrastructure is so much more hardened now than back then..... Oh wait
  11. Strap on your back pack and get hiking
  12. Did you see it? Oh wait tons of clouds per usual.
  13. Can see the Sun to my south, dark clouds to the north. Here I am stuck in the middle with a few....sprinkles
  14. Nice! Looking at it from the east? Much better then the view from my house lol
  15. Unfortunately it'll probably lead to nothing but a dry shaft for most
  16. Be sure to test again tomorrow and really the q tip up there, I tested negative the first time, both times I had it
  17. Tip has finally gotten the Sonoran heat release summer he's always wanted, think I saw a saguaro out there
  18. Yeah I'm just bustin', that's a lot of meat tho, awesome. Not sure I've ever eaten manbearpig, only bear's BBQ
  19. Why's that guy so dirty prior to slicing it open
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