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Everything posted by Whineminster

  1. I can't get over how dry it is here down in Manchaug, dry at my house but this is like another level it feels. Way more trees turning color.
  2. And how depressed were you? Pumpkin beer in August feel natural to you?
  3. Yeah I wish summer lasted until NOV, a few weeks of fall and then bam, ACATT to April 1
  4. Lol early August saying summer is over. We're in the peak of summer guys c'mon. Easily could get a 3 day stretch of 95 at end of August.
  5. A few booms, but a great downpour
  6. Rumbles and rain here, love it. Oh and the sun peeking out. Only 82 degrees.
  7. Gusty and showering lightly, but not many flashes to the NW
  8. Yep. Posting daily pics of cumulus from the tables at day with kumbaya at night after heady topper, but claims to love hoodies in July. Strange. Was at in sugarbush this weekend and everyone loved the warm evenings.
  9. Ya the southwesten coast of Oahu was super dry ......like cactai dry. But the north east coast was super lush with rain everyday. Had to even put a shawl on to take the chill off at the Pali while looking at the wild chickens
  10. Yeah I mean we got some but you kicked the top soil off the garden it was still dry
  11. Got a few drops here but that's it
  12. I question these high Logan readings, suspect
  13. Buddy in Hollis NH said area near his house got rocked
  14. I feel like water would just fly right over the guard and not go in the gutter between all the open space that's taken up by the grid and stuff going caught in the screen... But then again I've never seen them in action
  15. So much for a couple decent ones today, BOX not even mentioning it anymore
  16. Yeah can't say I've been to that part of the bay, only like scusset and north Dennis, but I believe it. A taste of Florida your favorite place!!
  17. Problem is it's only a one season destination. Rest of the year it's depressing, minus trout fishing in the kettle ponds. Summer is great there though if you can escape the crowds. I love the smell of dry pine forest. Just got back from 4 days at the folks place in Dennisport, water on the sound side was like a bath tub, 78 degrees I heard someone say. Besides the chillier water the bay side is much prettier I think.
  18. Mist and clouds here on the Mid Cod
  19. Sunny and hot as ballz down the cape
  20. We're on to Tropicana season at this point for anything appreciable. I don't think I've cut my lawn since mid June
  21. But That's south coast not south shore. I'm wondering why SW winds would create cold water on the south shore, it's an offshore breeze
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