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Everything posted by Whineminster

  1. I was in Nebraska last week, night before the forecast it would change from 100 to like 90 lol.
  2. Wait until the 'deadly' heatwave, which is true summertime coc. It'll be glorious and you'll like it.
  3. Got that right. Can't even do snow right anymore. Although even winter was pretty much always cold windy crap and rain.
  4. Got some decent rain here, but could have used more
  5. You wonder if it happened a month ago it would be better, a little late in the day this time of year with the sun angle the way it is to get convection popping.
  6. Yep. People around my area say it was way more snow than 2015, up to the knickers
  7. But why do we always get the clouds and junk and others don't?
  8. To the NW of me, as always lol. Oh well. Can hear thunder here at Devens.
  9. Is that just some sort of glue? I wanna try whatever you're doing
  10. Yeah it just seems more conducive to line segments like you said, with a few embedded strong storms with minor rotation, versus those individual supercells we all want. we'll see!
  11. I don't see how all this sky junk will move out today in order to rock...
  12. Everything has just died or passed to the north and west of me and Hubster, hopefully today we'll get the blast
  13. Torch right through the end of the period.
  14. We all joke about damage but when it actually happens it's not so funny. Last thing you would think would happen at summer camp. So sad. Last year camping at Killington an 8" dia branch snapped off and crashed down in front of the car by 2 feet during a storm. Whole fam was 20' from it. We were worried about the car but it could have easily been us.....you just never know.
  15. Lol nope. I'm pretty far to the South of that. Do we have any Tor reports?
  16. Nada here, per usual. Lots of thunder to the NW
  18. Isn't the water table in Taunton real shallow? Should be ok.
  19. Don't be a wimp, just bring extra TP
  20. I know looks beautiful, but I'll be in Omaha missing it . Enjoy the pool while it's warm! Nothing like floating in a pool while you hear a boomer headed your way, wondering if the floatie will protect you in a lightning strike.
  21. They say tornado Alley has shifted east the past couple decades, maybe the MA boomer alley has shifted east also, to the NH seacoast and Marshfield
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