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Everything posted by LSC97wxnut

  1. Treated surfaces and sun angle doing their jobs keeping snow from accumulating. 2-3 inches roughly on untreated surfaces.
  2. 1/2 S for sure now. Side street not quite covered.
  3. 30.6 and light snow with a solid coating on everything in Newtonville.
  4. Amazing... from barely 1" yesterday at 12z to an almost SNE wide 4-6" event today. Going to take a lot of people by surprise...
  5. Pretty nice outside, but the breeze and the occasional cloud reminds you it's only February 12th.
  6. This showed up on my local news feed this morning. He must lurk here... Weather Is Happening: The Boston weather service here to save us from our planet’s ‘death spiral’.
  7. Low temp bust in Eastern MA this morning? I think I was forecasted for low single digits, but I have 10.4 where I am in Newtonville.
  8. Out getting burritos. Ugly freezing rain and sleet mix. Side streets are a disaster...
  9. Sleet at work in Needham. Not sure of temperature here.
  10. A few pingers mixing in here in Newtonville. 33.6
  11. Guess I should have held off on my concerns. Temp has dropped to 34.3 in the last 30 minutes. (I know, read more & post less... )
  12. 35.1 and rain in Newtonville. Will it get below freezing before the back edge of the precipitation comes through Boston? If not, there are going to be many angry parents...
  13. Newton just canceled schools tomorrow. Hopefully this doesn't end up being 32.5* and rain until the precipitation ends.
  14. Really light snow shower. Weird direction to these cells, SE to NW?
  15. Did the GFS end up being mostly right this past weekend?
  16. Where I am was just west of the best echoes earlier in the day. The park is also oriented NNE-SSW, so maybe some was lost off the top by the wind?
  17. Rough estimate from just north and west of the band in Newtonville. Checked a number of spots in the park next to us and found about 10.5". It was around 4" at 10:30.
  18. Near whiteout on the edge of the band in Newtonville. Must be nuts in the middle of it.
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