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Everything posted by HIPPYVALLEY

  1. Unfortunately our mechanic has seen as late as 2014 models with head gasket issues. If I could find a one owner, 5 speed, turbo Outback I would be interested.
  2. I think I'm done with Subaru. I love the cars but they are money pits.
  3. This is exciting but also a great weather lesson which I had not thought about. I think we are in for a fun winter!
  4. I'll pass thanks. although it might be nice to get all the leaves off the trees at once.
  5. I like boring October patterns. Let things dry out and enjoy the foliage and crisp, fall days.
  6. I feel pretty confident most of us see the ground white before Halloween.
  7. BOX should just throw caution to the wind in the pops for WNE and just go > 50% across the seven day. I don't even bother to take pictures of rainbows anymore because they are so common place.
  8. WTF? The atmosphere just finds a way to rain every day here .
  9. Meanwhile, an absolutely stunning day in the valley today! Mostly sunny, close to 60° in most places and foliage doing it's thing.
  10. No, seriously, I am at the brink of Ray Bradbury, short story, insanity with regards to rain. I would take insane dry, cold winter over, potentially, warm rainy winter, with chances of epic snowstorms.
  11. The FV-3 wants to give your hood about 8" of rain over 4 days at the end of that run. That's good though, get all that nasty qpf out of the way early so we can enjoy a cold dry winter.
  12. With the absurd amounts of precipitation we have had the past few months I really wouldn't be surprised if we had one snowstorm and then went drought for eight weeks. Pessimism aside, the pattern does look chilly and fairly active.
  13. 37F. -RA Unreal, it's seems almost impossible to get two days in a row without some precipitation.
  14. Same here with just a touch of frost on cars this morning.
  15. We should have a gtg at MGM Springfield and Will can pay the tab after card counting a few hands of blackjack.
  16. Pretty nice day in the valley actually. Wind has died a little bit and when the sun comes out it's close to 60°. Glad we here.
  17. Yeah, extrapolate that out 3x since July 1st and that's where my hood is at. Our gardens were a train wreck. I couldn't believe the moss, mold and fungus I saw in the woods. This is the first time, since we moved here in 2008, that we have ever had mildew anywhere. Thankfully, this area of Greenfield is pretty much beach sand 15-20" down so water runs out pretty quickly. Irene and July of this year were the only times I've ever had even a trickle of water in the basement. Much of central Greenfield is red clay and wet basements are a given in the pattern we have had. Most of the older homes all have French drains in the basements, which is usually enough to handle Flash Flood stuff.
  18. Oh, ok, I'm at 32"+/- and leaning towards plus since I missed some rain when one of the dogs chewed the stratus.
  19. Yeah, miserable driving day but fun for a weather weenie. Make sure you post up obs this winter! Too few of us out here!
  20. Your four month totals are going to be nuts, probably more than mine and I am up over 30"
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