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Everything posted by HIPPYVALLEY

  1. Also could go cold and dry as we say congrats Philly.
  2. Just move to Stowe Bro! Actually, move to Burlington where there is some type of night life and be in striking distance to Stowe and Jay.
  3. According to most Massholes none of Connecticut is actually!
  4. Hopefully that’s wrong, that looked like hours of ice for the interior.
  5. Man, that look next week, if only we could reschedule that for mid-December it would be weenie high fives all around.
  6. Meh' 14F in mid-November I do like me some cold and dry though. The pattern definitely offers snow chances but to my very amateur model eyes the odds are in favor of BN temps and BN precip.
  7. I would imagine Springfield hit 30F today?
  8. We've all been there, especially anybody in the CRV, but when you finally see your first accumulating snow you completely forget about first flakes.
  9. uh-oh, cape cod ahead of the berkshires already in snow totals? what happens in November the winter will not remember.
  10. Down to 27F with lazy flakes blowing around. First time running the wood stove this year.
  11. Had about 5 minutes of flakes here, brightening to the W now.
  12. I got .05” rain. I think models had me at .25”
  13. Precip forecasts kind of a bust here.
  14. Enjoy. I am all set with that this early in the season. I still have some minor yard clean-up and chainsaw work to do.
  15. At least it looks relatively dry until next weeks cutter.
  16. Zero precip here so far. Perfect. 37F
  17. I am a little jealous of all the mild temperatures! 44F in Greenfield.
  18. https://www.snowathome.com/our_products.php#Snowmakers
  19. Pretty progressive system, I doubt anyone in SNE outside of the Berks sees anything more than some flakes to finish. Since we already saw 1st flakes here last week I am even less interested in this storm.
  20. 20's would not surprise me though. Maybe we go cutter > cold next week then end of the week storm brings the winter love for the interior.
  21. Yeah, i’m actually at 22F on the mercury thermometer. Enjoying a cracking outdoor fire,
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