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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. The winter of our lives continues. The geese have to be stopped. And I have to stop them.
  2. Relief valve get tripped for some reason?
  3. Snow no, snowdrops yes. Mine are blooming this morning.
  4. We need thump. We need to avoid butt fumble.
  5. It's okay. Your hood should get a lot more snow than mine. Enjoy it.
  6. Nope. I'm in Hamden and it's just raining. Maybe a sodden flake once in a while, but that's it.
  7. Yeah I'm getting better thunder than I did all last summer. Winter 2023 rocks!
  8. Berg taking geese out like Jason Bourne to save winter. There is no measure for how fast and hard he'll bring this fight to their doorstep to get some snow.
  9. If every instinct you have is wrong, then the opposite would have to be right.
  10. I need TauntonBlizz to really kick up the whining this week. Gotta play it safe.
  11. We hope this season hasn't been granted tenure.
  12. I'll be jumping off Harkness Tower if it plays out like that.
  13. Another WOTR screwgie. Congrats to everyone getting a taste of winter though.
  14. You bet more reliable results if you swab the back of your cheek or throat instead of your nasal cavity. I tested negative using a nasal swab, but lit up like a Christmas tree when I did the back of my mouth.
  15. I'm just recovering myself. Such a strange bug. Felt like barely anything for a few days, then like a nasty head cold, then random symptoms like loss of taste, appetite, dizziness etc. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
  16. Here I am, stuck in the middle with subsidence.
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