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Everything posted by CAD_Wedge_NC

  1. Well, I have had my average snowfall for the winter (9 inches total in 2 events). We have had lower single-digit lows. One icing event (0.20") and it's only the first week of Feb. Granted the LR looks bad right now, but it will come around. Climo says I will get another chance before all is said and done. I'll give this winter a B- as it stands right now.
  2. Zonal flow with a death ridge over Florida and the gulf coast. I wouldn't exactly call that an awesome pattern. Unless of course, you would like an early Spring.
  3. It's only Feb 5th.... There will be another event to track you can count on it. Yesterday's event was just enough to get me back in the winter mood. Stayed below freezing for the entire event. The LR indices look good this morning for the second half of Feb. Look for those fantasy storms to start showing back up.
  4. Wow, this thread got quiet...... (crickets). Not to worry it will get active shortly.
  5. Wow..... I see the ban-hammer coming for you.
  6. The GFS is trending in the right direction. Track of the low is further south on this run. That's due to the pressures being higher in the great lakes as shown above. If this trend continues, it will be a big hit for a lot of folks.
  7. This one may have legs. It's coming in at the right time. There is cold air already established. With the low passing to our south, it will lock in the residual CAD. Most of the forecasts, have us in the 40's by afternoon, but if the precip comes in early in the morning and continues throughout the day, there may be more frozen/freezing precip than what the models show currently. Also, the temps will struggle to rise much at all. No way we see mid 40's with that set-up.
  8. I learned that the hard way about 10 years ago when DT himself chastised me for posting a long rang pattern change on a 300hr+ map from the GFS. I never did that again, without some reasoning as to why I believed a certain pattern would verify. This is a long range discussion thread. However; you should provide some insight as to why it may or may not happen as shown.
  9. He's just trolling you.... He can't hit 350 yd drives any more than I can.
  10. Next time you get an itch to swing something, I have some wood that needs to be split.
  11. Yes, I always liked Robert's analysis of LR patterns when he posted here. His winter forecast is looking pretty good right now.
  12. Yep, I just want to set another snowfall record here before I pass the torch. 1988 and 1969 both saw greater than 15 inches of snow. We have had plenty of 1 footers. I am still holding out for the elusive 20" storm. Could this be the year?
  13. Don't call "fail" just yet my friend and don't trust the LR. This isn't our typical winter.
  14. No, I'll keep the pattern that we have been seeing this winter and take my chances. You must have cold air first... If this suppressed pattern breaks down, we are done with winter. This is a good pattern for an amped up miller A to ride the coast and dump on us. You must remember, this is a La-nina winter and they are torches without a pattern like this. You will be praying for suppression come Feb and March.
  15. I'm sure we will see verification scores of .90 on the Euro, but it seems like it has been horrible. This has been a strange winter so far. We had the December surprise snowstorm, the incredibly long-lasting cold shot, the east coast blizzard. What's next? Who knows, but I'll bet the models will not get it right either.
  16. Well, here's the 768 hour CFS will that work?
  17. Does this mean you're punting the rest of this winter?
  18. You know Brick's old saying "thunder in winter"....... just saying.
  19. Yep, there's that positive vibe I was hoping for...
  20. It will be suppressed just like the fantasy snows. Cold and dry is the theme for now. I will believe it when it is within 24 hours.
  21. Yep, the ski industry is loving life this winter. They really needed an extended period of cold weather after last year.
  22. Well, Charlotte did have 2 daily records set in January 1977 that still stand today. Jan 17th of that year saw a record low maximum and a record low minimum of 25 and 5 respectively. Of course the all-time coldest month record still stands.
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