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Everything posted by DeltaT13

  1. Alright, just checking to see where you stand. If the government told me in February that a new virus was spreading and it was hard to spot because it sometimes spreads asymptomatically, therefore they would begin an aggressive plan to test each American as frequently as possible with the end goal of testing every available US citizen once a week until things were under control I would have felt very relieved to know there was a plan and they were on top of things. I don't see why Americans would have been against that. If the government offered that plan in lieu of shut downs, who wouldnt be onboard. Testing is and always will be the best option for managing this virus in its first year. And testing has been pretty poor thus far.
  2. Well with this logic, those locations should never be warm and Denver should never crack 70 even on the hottest day of the year. You need sudden elevation changes above the local mean elevation for significant cooling to be realized. Those locations get snow because they are closer the genesis point of strong lee side low pressure systems. Arctic fronts drop quickly and efficiently along the Rockies and down through the plains delivering unseasonably cold air. Couple that with strong dynamic cooling from the rapidly deepening systems and you have a location ripe for early season flakes.
  3. Do you believe we've been testing too much? Do you think testing is the only reason we have cases? Do you think 132 million tests is an impressive feat over 7 months from one of the most powerful nations on earth? Do you see testing as a way to get a better grip on the situation or do you think testing is bad and creating the problem?
  4. Yeah, why would the US want get behind a cohesive plan that actually addressed the problem and solved it ****Enormous eye roll*** I'm not advocating for tanks rolling down the streets, but we could have enacted the defense protection act to manufacture tests and set up locations for testing. And we could have at least had a leader that didnt want to bury the issue instead of facing it head on. Who gives a **** how many cases we have, just start finding them and fix the problem.
  5. I’ll give it until the 0z runs tonight before I throw in the towel! On a side note, should be a very snowy game in Denver today. Will be a fun one to watch.
  6. It’s sad when they don’t even mention it solely for the sake of what a novelty it is. I can’t ever recall seeing such a significant snow event (modeled) in late October for WNY, even if it’s just just a couple models that are out to lunch. Its rare, fascinating, and cool. Seems like Buffalo has lost some of its passion. McLaughlin (an old legend at the Buffalo NWS) would have at least mentioned it at the end of his discussion because he seemed to truly get excited about weather.
  7. Of course! I’m not sure what other aspect would be historic around here? Measurable snow in October is exceedingly rare in Rochester. Since 1950 we’ve only had 3 days that ever had over 1 inch of snow and never a day with more than 3”. So seeing these model outputs teasing a foot of snow is pretty amazing! That 0z run is pretty magical, but the tree damage would be catastrophic if one of these runs verifies. Looks like crazy low ratio stuff (that’s if we can actually flip the column via dynamic cooling on the lake plains).
  8. Just catching up on models from the last day or so. Wow, good stuff!! 5 days out and tracking a possible historic storm!!
  9. Lockdowns aren’t necessary if we had a leader that didn’t think testing was the enemy. Testing is the solution. From day 1, there should have been a full scale military style effort to establish mass testing across the country. We should have developed a way to test at least 100 million people per week coast to coast. Test test test. Set up every available facility to test and create a system where it’s somewhat random to weed out the completely symptom free spreaders. Once you find positive case you lock them down for 10-14 days or hospitalize them Testing and contact tracing could beat this thing in 6 weeks if we didn’t have a moron hell bent on trying to keep the numbers low and denying we have a crisis. 7 months in and we have only tested 132 million people total?! Roughly one third of this country. Absolutely pathetic. We should be testing the entire country almost once a month by this point. That’s how you beat it.
  10. I’m over the colors, let’s replace it all with glorious white!!
  11. I had forgotten about this! Pretty solid early season micro event. Popped up on my fb timeline today.
  12. Well those places have already been rocked by a hard freeze so it doesn’t really make a difference. The damage is done. The plants are gone and the growing season ended.
  13. This is quite plausible and right on schedule with this regions first historical accumulation. Will most like be elevations above 3000 feet
  14. We are on the verge of record breaking territory for the lack of Arctic sea ice for this time of year. It's just insane to see that just 30 or 40 years ago we had nearly twice as much as ice at this time as we do today (~4 million square kilometers more of pack ice!). If you don't think that makes a huge difference in our winters then I don't know what to tell you. Climate change is accelerating and will decimate winters as we know them in the coming decade or two. Just heart breaking to see this..
  15. I can't stop looking at that 6z run today (regardless of how ridiculous it is). It's just awesome to see the potential this time of year when you mix tropical systems with seasonably arctic air.... That would be one of the biggest storms in my lifetime (not snow, storm intensity)...a man can dream I guess.
  16. That October storm is still the greatest weather experience of my life, by a large margin too. I had been eyeing that forecast all week and Thursday evening when it was confirmed that temps were supporting snow I quickly took off the following day and headed off to Buffalo. I drove around from 9pm to 3am and was one of the last people to get on the Thruway before it was shut down. I drove over hundreds of powerlines that night. I remember coming across the first downed line and not really knowing what to do, by the end of the night I was just driving over powerlines and small limbs like it was a regular day. Almost got hit by falling branches several times too. I wish I had taken more photos or chronicled my adventure but it all happened so fast and was so surreal.
  17. I feel bad for these stars that get stuck in Buffalo. We just eat up talent and destroy dreams. Eichels whole career is a lost cause in Buffalo, I would love to see him go somewhere and excel.
  18. That squall line was pretty fun. Had some decent lightning strikes, pea size hail, wind gusts to around 50mph. There were leaves flying everywhere!
  19. On another note, hurricane Delta still has a shot of phasing with one of those short waves early next week which would bring it blasting through WNY. I would love to see that....It’s been awhile. The GFS has had couple nice hits in the last few days although the 18z run tonight was a complete miss. Only takes a small timing change this far out so I’m keeping my fingers crossed.
  20. Haha yes!! First one of the year. A nice little warmup system for the new season. It takes an interesting/unusual path relative to normal wind events, but the storm is deepening rapidly and timing is good for max diurnal mixing so Im Intrigued... also, with full foliage could be some isolated outages.
  21. It figures that a stormed named Delta would have the fastest change in pressure ever! **nerd joke**
  22. The lake was completely frozen over. That amazing storm should never be mentioned with lake effect events. I think only 10 inches of snow fell during the whole thing. It was a windstorm with a huge snowpack.
  23. I mean he just made fun of Biden for wearing a mask.... 11 days ago he said "Coronavirus affects virtually nobody" I mean you have to find a little bit of humor and irony when someone is that ****ing stupid.....I don't want him to die. But you reap what you sow....
  24. I distinctly remember driving around in Buffalo in early October 2003 and getting pounded with graupel. It was very chilly! I just looked back and sure enough, there it is!
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