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Everything posted by Iceagewhereartthou

  1. I think I'd word things exactly opposite from the way you have. Different strokes!
  2. 13.3 for me in Feb, over 23 total for the year. I would LOVE a little drought, this 26 month monsoon has gotten old. Over that time span I've had 160 inches of rain. There are some areas near the Ellicott Rock area, and other mtn areas that are probably at 250 inches in that time frame!
  3. Wow, according to that map I would have been in either the 2-4 or 4-8 in stripe for MBY in the upstate. Caesar's Head would have been in the 8-12. I would have been fairly young but I have no memory of that system. I do seem to have a vague memory of a third big snow in the 87/88 years so maybe that was it?
  4. Honestly, all we can hope for at this point is some cold. If the modeled cold verifies over the next couple of weeks we'll have a shot or two. We all know that many of our events aren't modeled a week or two in advance, and often show up within just 2-4 days. Give me the cold and I'll take my chances, especially this late in the game.
  5. Wonder if there's a young man in a T-shirt listening to a rock n roll station, or a woman in the kitchen cleaning up the evening slop...
  6. Mine too, actually almost 2 degrees from my low. Would be funny if it never gets below freezing tonight and the kids have a day off anyway. 36.5 here.
  7. The models nailed that snow band over mid eastern upstate. Just little sprinkles of rain here. Complete miss here in my area. Few snow showers but never even got a real good one.
  8. Wow pickens county schools closed tomorrow! . Wow.
  9. Wow, that's way more than I've seen here. Congrats!
  10. Well heavier returns out of GA all moving south of me, end of precip now in NWGA. Man, pretty bad when you underperform on a dusting to an inch.
  11. When I went to bed with a temp of 44 and woke up to the same temp it was pretty obvious what was going to happen. If you're below 2000 feet, temp is always, ALWAYS the first priority.
  12. Well I was hoping the feed would be more ENE or even NEE instead of due East, that would have helped a lot. But I maintain that moisture was not the problem for me. I'm closing in on .3 qpf. With cold that could have been 3 inches and counting.
  13. Well if this heavier batch coming out of NEGA can't deliver a dusting for me I'm jumping. The lighter returns behind that won't have a chance. I have light drizzle with occasional flakes mixed in and that's the best I've done so far. Temp stuck on 35.6. Was at least hoping for that dusting to an inch but doesn't look good. Ah, I'm already jumping!
  14. Today's system not delivering for me, I'm game for this 2/8 repeat though!
  15. Yeah very close. Just not going to work for most though. Back edge of precip already at Huntsville headed basically due east. Looks like western upstate will be done by 8pm or so and I don't see temps dropping another 3-4 degrees by then even if it switches over. This one just ain't ours.
  16. Coming back from Glassy I noticed the all snow line was about 1500ft. Here back at my house at about 1000 ft it's mostly rain with a few sloppy flakes. Just very marginal temps for the upstate. Don't know how long it might take to drop another 500 feet but not looking too good.
  17. FYI for upstate folks, all snow and 34 on top of Glassy Mtn ouside Pickens. Good moderate snow, no accumulation yet though. I think elevation is about 1650.
  18. Really seeing the effects of the warm nose here. Everybody to my east and north saw sleet in the mid 40s, I had to wait till my 2m temp reached 38 to see any. Going to be tough to take if places like Cola see accumulation tonight and I can't get any here.
  19. Finally getting a couple pings of sleet, first of the day. 38 warm degrees.
  20. Yeah I don't get the lack of moisture complaints. I haven't seen any sleet, and cold is certainly an issue, but there's plenty of precip. For those lucky enough to have the cold, you'll be fine.
  21. Pickens schools dismissing early was a complete waste. Its 39 or 40 and all rain. Schools have really become short on the leash. When I was a kid snow had to be falling and sticking to roads to get out, or it had to be a lock with bona fide cold to cancel.
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