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Everything posted by Iceagewhereartthou

  1. Currently 24 .6 at Mt Mitchell, 36.9 at Sassafras in SC.
  2. I wish i could ever get to the point where i could say that. My little 2.5 inches didnt scratch the surface for me.
  3. This weather is gorgeous! Feels like November!
  4. The past couple of warm days have reinforced two certainties for me: 1, I'm looking forward the cool off, and 2, I'm really dreading the heat for June - September! 89 today at CAE, 90 at Augusta.
  5. Incredible weather today for the last day of April. High of just 62.2. Cloudy with a breeze now at 59.5. Quite cool out, hard to believe tomorrow is May. Love it though! In sharp contrast to Yotaman, got 2.60 inches of rain yesterday and last night. 10.30 for the month. A whopping 39.8 inches for the year already! This is the third year of this rainy pattern and this year is blowing the last 2 away.
  6. Yea this is crazy, im already over 37 for the year. I bet some mtn locations are nearing or over 50 already.
  7. Ouch, not looking forward to the heat advertised for next weekend. So beautiful today!
  8. Another day another inch (.97). Aside from too much rain, I am loving the relatively cooler, even Fall-like at times, weather this month. Late April can be quite warm but 60s and low 70s for the most part have been very nice, even a couple of days like today in the 50s. Hope the cool will stay as long as possible cause the bake is gonna be on soon.
  9. Im thankful the heavy stuff went south this time. Still had over an inch. Now 5.88 for the month, 35.33 for the year already!
  10. Good to hear. I'm in the basement with the fam. Stay safe everyone!
  11. What a beautiful FALL day today. 58/37 with dry air and a breeze. Wish I could copy it till Oct 1!
  12. Wow, craziness! Way too summerlike for me. Looking forward to the cooldown next week.
  13. Hinesville GA reporting 95 degees, highest in the nation !
  14. Actually I refuse to turn mine on for now, but one could easily do so to keep the inside heat at bay.
  15. Wow, Jan- March 19 = Spring. March 20 = Summer.
  16. Wow, gonna have to turn on the ac the next few days. 70s and 80s for many with lows in 50s and 60s.
  17. Low of 27.7. Maybe the last 20s until Nov
  18. I'm the first post in 3 days! Wow, that's sad Looks like no more 30s after tomorrow, highs all in the 60 and lows in the upper 40s/50s. Hopefully Spring will not get hot for awhile. Looks like the rainy pattern contiues for the next two weeks though.
  19. I can't wait for the dry season to kick in! And if I never saw 80s/90s again I'd be just fine!
  20. This forum has died! Looks like the trend of bad timing for the upstate continues. Actually getting some light precip east of the escarpment, which is very rare for these setups, but it's 47 and rain. It was 27 this am, it needed to come through then. Been that way all winter, even the surprise event of 2/8 came through 6 hours too late. Triple dog yuck at weather next week; warm and rainy.
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